Saturday, July 27, 2024

Longue vie à la France!


Olympic opening ceremony was one of the best in the living memory. Contemporary, elevating freedom and fun, fierce individual assertion in a classic French way that makes it endearing and will be remembered for a long time to come. No staid choreography -that is reflection of authoritarian order, but lively chaos of life on river and monuments. Idea of France is a defining idea of humanity, and to assert that in such energetic carefree way is what defines human life. This is also what sports is all about. Liberty and freedom are indelible hope for future that stand against limiting feudal world and restrictive religions. Pièce de resistance was ofcourse spectacular scene of beheaded Marie Antoinette, shocking and hilarious –a constant reminder of sinister presence of feudal values that degrade our ideas of just world and threaten our hard-won ideals on which humanity is hinged. French people condemned monarchy to the dustbin of history, flourished in new energy of freedom and with it breached sacred narration of feudals as status quo settled space for social progress (what it created was cesspool of ascriptive exceptionalism and exploitative value system). Emulation of last supper was counter narration that very much reflected contemporary assertion of individual choices and a firm statement on diversity against authority cultivated by sacred mainstream icons. It also reminds us that how liberty and freedom is being restricted and really cannot be counter narration but celebration. We can imagine a world without religion and border. We can imagine diversity of lively choices that defines what it is to be human. Longue vie à la France! May they assert their values and define humanity for better deal and a beacon for hopeful future. My only concern was that they could have included valuable indigenous voices from French speaking regions.

Meanwhile usual social media outrage and rage loop of lowest denominator attention seeking industry was alive with ridiculous and wasted. Some calling it satanic, lucifer, pagan, garbage, and what not, ofcourse with detail analysis in well exploited template of conspiracy theory for herd to munch on. Worst of the people were triggered. Mediocre castetva media in India too showed its tentacles (sample herein) linking nutcases to create narration that align with their ‘pure’ worldview. They have also found ‘pure’ allies in feudal Britain to fight hindutva! They are charmers and movers of degraded sinister world. Beware.