Monday, August 05, 2024

Bangladesh at the brink


India has serious problems, but one will consider oneself to be fortunate to be born in this relatively peaceful part of the world, enjoying much freedom, considering how tumultuous neighborhood of India is; with dangerous expansionist authoritarian China, Army controlled islamist nurturing fragile democracy in Pakistan, Islamist barbarian Taliban ruled Afghanistan (though doesn’t share immediate border but quite close for comfort), brutal military junta of Myanmar, perpetually politically unstable Nepal, relatively stable Srilanka with hoary recent past…Bangladesh was a peaceful nation with functioning democracy. One common factor in this densely populated region of Indian subcontinent is complacent entitled ruling class characterized by feudal ways. Disparities are institutionalized, they pit people against each other to distract and manipulate to extend their rule and influence meanwhile institutions are degraded for status quo benefits. Most of the problems can be traced to this value system that prevents percolation of democracy. Freedom becomes pernicious idea as aware people are seen as threat. Slowly desperate people consolidate to revolt against the system that is making democracy meaningless and doesn’t add much value to their life. It is generally the protesting youth who are able to channelize their genuine grievances, and very soon it is taken over by sinister opportunist forces, and if democracy is fragile then the Army stakes it claim -as they are powerful and organized to easily fill the vacuum, or else if the herd are controlled by sinister religions (more organized worst are possibilities) then you can expect further degradation. We have seen the textbook case in Egypt. Popular egalitarian movement against dictator was hijacked by religion which in turn was quashed by Army -as agent of progressive but essentially blackmailing the society. Pakistan and Myanmar are examples of army and religion sharing and consolidating their power, this consolidated power is easy to control by sinister outside forces who really don’t give much damn about common people except maybe by activating some NGOs to bleat and make necessary noise. As in the case of Balkans where bigger forces like US and Russia are playing proxy war by fueling regional conflicts Indian subcontinent is fast becoming an arena of increasingly dangerous expansionist authoritarian China and sidelined US. Weakening US is a danger to world since democracies are fragile and needs support. China lacks value system that favors humanitarian concern. US too has its selfish concerns but atleast there is semblance of democracy and is relatively free and open hence can be challenged on human rights and ethics and is indeed responsive unlike authoritarian China. US has vibrant civil society who are genuinely concerned and enjoy all freedom and rights unlike sinister ways of China. World should be concerned about growth of China. Should China be allowed access to latest technologies that could be misused and carry serious ramifications for humanity? Democracy is not a choice it is essential for every human on this planet. The value of human being is cherished by freedom. Expansionist China has no pretension of democracy nor any concern for human rights. This in many ways seems similar to colonial forces and US involvements across the world during much of 20th century. But there is a qualitative difference with China as there are no pretentions whatsoever (as also closed authoritarian regime that severely restricts and abuses its own citizens), and that is a significant degradation and a scary prospect for the world.

Complacent entitled leaders in Bangladesh tried to divide youngsters by favoring few to consolidate their ideology. They were incapacitated to perceive the desperation of common people particularly the young as they unleashed brutal crackdown. Reserving seats is expression of feudal value system, and to expand it arbitrarily for political gain is amazingly short sighted. Quota is against open access to opportunity. Instead of easy measures to divide and gain a mature system would focus to ameliorate root cause and assuage people by taking logical compassion driven measures (it is quite possible that India could see widespread outburst against reservations -that is also seen as increasingly corrupted and made meaningless by lack of target and misused by consolidations, that is being used by sinister forces for divide and gain at the expense of people. Castetva forces are evil, and have cannibalised Indian society for decades. Beware). When PM Sheikh Hasina cut short her visit from China few days back there were clear indications that something was seriously amiss and that the sinister forces have used student's protests to gain control, very likely with outside agencies working to capitalize and control. This poverty ridden nation with large population and high density severely threatened by climate change is in increasing consolidation of Islamist network. This doesn’t augur well for the stability of the region at all. What remains to be seen is whether Army consolidates progressive forces and arbitrates to consolidate democracy or is it going to degrade democratic institutions by nurturing islamists and controlling power. Bangladeshis are much vibrant people and carry passion of revolutionary Bengalis, and so will they be controlled by regressive forces or will they fight to gain control needs to watched. Considering endemic poverty and desperation the system is loaded against them.