Thursday, August 22, 2024

Lackadaisical system, scyophantic theatrics and britishery

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This is what I commented on the above video in the site. This in the aftermath of brutal rape murder in Kolkata. So, after brutal crime facilitated by horrible social values, insensitive police -there were cases against him on brutalities committed, appalling lack that led to his recruitment in sensitive role, apathy of hospital administration, worst of possibilities facilitated by system that led to heinous crime, and then in the aftermath criminal 'conspiracy' and worst of people, political posturing, hooligans unleashed to scuttle the matter, media drama ...and now the sterling performance at the Court. Quite tired of these incorrigible buffoons while common people are exploited. 

"it's an absolute travesty on people of this country that apart from lackadaisical systems that they endure on daily basis now we see judges referred to as lordship, reeks of obsequious drawl. These ridiculous theatrics of british value system (britishery) further burdens what essentially is feudal primitive society (also note little details like difference in size of chairs -these crude nuances are passed on to common people/sycophants as reference of power display and hierarchy details cringe). Be professional and cut the nonsense. Refer to him as Mr. Chandrachud or a curt Sir or Mr. or Shri or something neutral without regressive context. They are not f*cking lords, they are appointed to arbitrate justice by carefully studying and evaluating facts (and yes we are also not interested in their unsolicited regressive views on matters which they are least competent). Also, look at the 'celebrity' lawyers who are paid ransom -that in itself is criminal, creating ruckus instead of working to get to the truth of the matter (also, unethically using his/her position to barter for position like RS member/minister). Disgraceful"