Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Prosaic is now sacred


Life expresses. Every life is an expression of wonders and experiences of millions of years of evolution. Life incessantly adapts to its existential reality and relentlessly strives to survive. Survival calls for peak commitment and acute awareness of reality and all the nuances it exhibits; it cannot be substandard or lackadaisical involvement. Substantial part of specie's survival gets imprinted onto DNA and is shared for better say in life while epigenetics gives the maneuvering space for emerging reality. In this struggle for survival, we see finest expressions of life eminently amenable to its ecosystem whether it is the splendid colours of flowers, supreme skills of bats or exquisite baya weaver nests. Life rarely indulges in futilities of competition or extremes of actions but invests in mutualism and sharing to optimize resources and effectively deal with the complexities present. The improbable life syncs with forces of nature to survive and thrive in the midst of cataclysmic chaos. It is a miracle.   

It is humans (the post-agriculture Homo sapiens) who have created a paradigm shift of life as indulgence and not mere survival. These spiraled into amazing artistic expressions and astonishing understanding of science through laws of nature. The benefits accrued led to luxuries and opportunities to invest time to investigate and understand better. The flip side here is -that is becoming dangerously apparent, very few humans carry this burden of existence that are indeed instrumental in human progress and amazing expressions while most become parasites wallowing in excess and laziness while some detach into postmodern (excellent theoretical inquiry -deconstructing power, but leaves chaos of relativism that instrument neoliberal grab landing into alternative truth -overwhelming simulated reality of virtual) nihilism. These majority increasingly lack connection with reality and use of critical thinking faculties (herd) create  delusions and low standards of arbitration taking humanity further down the sinkhole. Ideals of liberty and freedom becomes captive to degraded expressions and juvenile assertion, they infect democratic institutions. Hence, we have this dichotomy of amazing progress and some brilliant people juxtaposed and normalized with majority of indulgent self-assured unthinking entitled wastrels.

It seems sky is the limit if you have intention, and that intention is only thing that matters! And we have all the means and wherewithal to express that intention. Lethargic system has normalized indulgences to basic, it is porn of existence -you show what you have and we watch. It is a primal arrangement to keep everybody happy in what they are without any encouragement or questioning. Audience, consumers, voters, followers, are cheerleaders of collective minimum, the crude mass. It is a framework that pretends you to be esteemed part hence thrive in crass. They survive on lowest denominator of exchange and reduce everything to its level. Genuine grievances and discriminations are now barter to tolerate mediocrities (we witnessed realtime deconstruction and appropriation of valued 'woke' to mob) while vandalism is valued as self-expression. Ridiculous and appalling have significant space in expanding scale of tolerance that scars sensibilities into submission to the mediocre and irresponsible. Prosaic is now sacred in all its perversity. You are what you are is a great foundational value but a joke if it is kept at that (I am here see me what I do today). What is missing in this crucial gap between intention and expression is skills -that needs years of dedications as also recognizing one’s potential, and crucially, limitations. Each specie has mastered its habitat to survive and thrive, it needs absolute awareness of habitat, as also, which of its sense to skill to increase probability of survival and mutually benefit the specie -to increase the diversity so as to contribute to the resilience of the system. That is how nature works and what is forgotten is humans are very much part of nature. Though human life is no longer confined to survival the template of expression remains the same.

Education is important to understand, to be aware, of all the possibilities of existence. It makes us discerning ethical individuals. The reason why varied subjects of study and expressions makes a vibrant human and a resilient society. Quality education and nurturing society leads to awareness of one’s indelible presence hence exploring possibilities and likely skills to express or indeed not express. An evolved society makes these accessible to young and to everyone. Internet has broadened the idea of society and reduced what is global hence multifold the possibilities. So, can I be a Simone Biles or a Dirac or a Chekhov? It is a wrong question. You can be what you want to be and what you don’t want to be, and indeed not to fall in this limited binary of mainstream expression of toxic success and failure. There are things valued that is not expressed and need to be expressed, and yes there maybe things we don’t even know about and could be significant expression in future (we really don’t know whether what is expressed is the only way to define or not define meaning of life). What cannot be denied and need to be understood is that the dedication to acquire skills, and having acquired the basic skills, whether you have the wherewithal to chisel it to brilliance, to make your indelible presence and stretch the human experience. And for that you have to diligently study the masters in their areas of competence and acquire necessary skills and expertise, explore and excel in your reality and add your unique presence. It also a collective effort and responsibility to retrieve humanity from hallucination -hyperreality, that create worst of possibilities, the overwhelming morass of hedonist opulent slush submerging any reality of redeeming value.