Thursday, April 11, 2019

Where the time stops

Over the horizon
Billion ants held their mandibles across the earth to knot  
that spread to include all beings in a cozy set up
buoyant in the perilous journey across the blasé sun.      
Human, a casual presence in an indifferent universe,
sights the eye of an aloof black hole
stupefied by insignificance in the churning darkness.
A bottomless abyss of matter and time
and the nodding squint of praying mantis silhouetting  
on the window sill  

Monday, March 11, 2019

Indians deserve much better

Having understood how the mediocres have kept common people in vicious snare, while licking the gravy under the garb of high intending words, they take it to the next level during election time. Everything that is debauched is on display by these posturers. They come in the form of media person and journalists, the one that is being elevated as fourth estate by democracy. With the exception of some rarest of rare (as is the nature of effete) most are limited by their own inbred limitations. They also go abroad to acclimatize themselves with civilized ways and latest semantics to cover their uncouth self. This then becomes the basis of competence, and claim of expertise. They write columns and articles and seek to influence where they cannot except some limited circles which they promptly try to exaggerate. Ditto is the case of TV channels that is spread across the beleaguered society in predatory alliance with the market. There is always a celebration to trap people, even during the worst of crisis and tragedies where humans die they don’t forget to break for market to hawk their goods (such is the despicable insensitive system they have conceived to keep themselves fed, and we are told this the best to offer). So now the caste feudals, mostly of the variety with squatter references and other despicable value systems, ransack TV studios with their views and opinions. These are not only crass but carefully set the agenda to demean common people, their aspirations and values, into caste pits. They create all kinds of matrix and charts to justify the claim. They not only lack civilized value system but indeed subtleties of thoughts and ideas, and most significantly any hint of empathy on people's plight. They even lack as basic as discussion skills, while on one extreme we have people screaming at each other in righteous indignation while on the other there are whispers in designer cloths by cunning nepotists of the worst variety that gives the impression of high sophistication and concern.

These are the worst kind of people, leapfrogging from moral vacuum into entitled positions as arbitrators of beleaguered society, adept in ensnaring common people and exploiting them into further misery while giving the impression of guardian angels. Look at the front page in one of the despicable newspaper (chosen randomly): election is declared as ‘luck’, hence more than billion people queuing up in hot sun to express their aspirations for a better future are reduced to chance, of fate. Now if this is happening in 2019 (that too so openly, on a headline of a newspaper) just imagine what this primitive society had to endure all these decades in garb of democracy. These were fed and fattened by cunning caste cannibals who ruled for last many decades severely degrading the society and its enlightened value system as also any possibility to negotiate future challenges. 
This society tends to gnaw itself when given an opportunity to have progressive value system. Putrid pits like Kerala is where Indians with literacy but no capacity to educate and value subtleties of life end up in. The most important issues in this pit (where various religions find its lowest base, and will keep digging), according to market manipulated TV channel, is Sabarimala issue (indeed not progressive aspects of it but uncouth in the garb of rituals which caste feudals identify with). This is the state which has seen the worst natural calamities in recent time, devastating floods as also cyclones crossing from east coast to west coasts for the very first time with increasing intensity and frequency. This is a region extremely vulnerable to climate change impact but the blessed effete entitled posing as journalists seem least concern as they stampede for next lick in the blessed land. Urgent issues that has potential to create most misery and devastations are left for people to fend. Its characteristic cunningness to take people for granted and place these in the realm of fate while they fine tune repertoire of speculation, BS astrology as science that only blessed have unique insight into in the whole of universe. Such is the estimation of arguably one of the worst of humanity.

Now the above newspaper is owned by a fellow with muslim name, quite expected since these are fed and fattened as exotic pets by caste feudals to showcase their benign nature as also gravy points on secularism, then ofcourse its about stratospheric liberalism meant to awe strike the west and to create mystical nature that sneaks between truth and untruth that blessed Indians have access to. There are many caste feudal wastrels with muslim and christian names who have been fed to perpetuate these.

Phir ek baar Modi sarkaar? Though this blogger has no inclination for any political party, and consider them all opportunists of varying degree, but the greater impact on society of these power structure is significant. Hence needs closer scrutiny. One will prefer Hindutva over Castetva. Though both are unenlightened frame and cause misery to common people in varying degree of debauchery but the preference is based on two predominating thoughts. Firstly, Hindutva is real, it is not fake. It in many ways is able to coalesce the conflicting value aspiration of vast nation, though in a way taken to extremes but the nature of hinduism prevents it being taken to catastrophic effect. It finds its regressive balance. While Castetva is fake. It works on pretentions of liberal and semantics stolen from west to cover its uncouthness. They have severely degraded the egalitarian nature of hinduism in last many decades and have done irreparable damage to the society. English talks, linguistic chicanery and designer cloths doesn’t create sophistication nor deviant value systems assure diversity. Feeding monster mullahs and designed as ordered, market operated, feudal muslims, and then inflicting these on common muslims is not secularism. They have taken, with characteristic cunningness, common people for granted and with increasing audacity and self-assuredness used them for their despicable end, meanwhile nurturing high end manipulators as leaders and air dropping them on hapless people. When push comes to shove these caste feudals will scamper into hindutva fold. This homecoming is expected since, despite its high posturing, castetva is only a subset of hindutva. This can easily be gauged from the fact that hindutva owes almost everything for its rise on castetva. Since Castetva basically associates with regressive nature of hinduism they milked it and ballooned it into Hindutva. So whether it is Ayodhya or recent Sabarimala you can find the unmistakable footprints. Since they have arrogance that is liberal coated and sanctum driven on feudal values meanwhile west remains a constant reference (hence have cultivated these and placed their litters, thus ‘international’ concern on hindutva is pushed on fortuitous occasions) they treat common people with utmost contempt. Hence collective conscience like nation is subservient to their intense need for higher acclaim in western mind. While hindutva being quite connected to common people, in a visceral way, understands nationalism and capitalise it to the hilt. Hindutva with its nationalist posturing is least bothered about West. The positives, if ever, here is atleast Indian life is not cheap. One can see the difference in the response to Mumbai attack (that surely needed a much stricter response, it still is shocking) and attack on soldiers in Phulwama (that surely didn’t need such an extreme response, nevertheless considering how these were being handled in last many decades it seems appropriate). Controlling jingoism is a tricky thing. Furthermore, though hindutva is casteist to the base -since the society is degraded by castetva forces, it needs it as cohesive unit. This gives hint to seeking egalitarian nature of hinduism, while you can see castetva (with its well fed exotic pets –read, high end muslim/christian opinion makers) blatantly work -indeed viciously in recent times, on nurturing caste, working on segregation and divisions, and have no qualm in exploiting these at the expense of common people. Hindutva has brought essential balance that reflects the nature of society -however crude, while castetva had severely degraded the society for regressive nature of hinduism to rise -not that anything better is expected from anachronistic frame of religion hinged as it is on mass hallucination. Castetva has done immense damage by not only undermining egalitarian value system that has contribution of great souls like Buddha, Nanak, Kabir…saints who trace values from anti caste empathy driven pointers of bhakti movements that forms the basic foundation of the society which is severely weakened since independence as caste cannibals took control over narration with power infrastructure and state authority. Had Hindutva ruled after independence it would have created opposing force that could have genuinely worked for egalitarian value system. The opposition would have provided essential value system and infrastructure of resistance that enhanced the society. Castetva with its fake posturings and cunning semantics is the reason for this impasse of rise of regressive nature of hindutva. The society therefore is now hard positioned to assimilate resistance from degraded value system. It’s an arduous task.  
Secondly, last five years has not seen major problems that could be called as devastating failures that calls for the ruling party to be removed. There are serious problems, that can be factored in as aspiration related disappointments, as also five years is too less a period for new entity. There has been attempts to dilute RTI but transparency seems to have improved. There were significant attempts made to shake the status quo and unhinge the entrenched groups and interests (most significantly those posturing as opinion makers with connection assiduously cultivated by manipulating sycophants without any mass base). Mr. Modi has shown lots of maturity in handling many issues and seem quite connected with the masses. However, there is a flamboyancy bordering egotism (common trapping of power) that could backfire. Consider his appalling attempt at humour on Congress leader regarding dyslexia. Most significantly he is a one-man show, minus him BJP is in serious bother. Nevertheless, he remains a charismatic leader.                                                      

Monday, March 04, 2019

Beleaguered society seeks redemption

It’s a society that dwells in the putrid pit, the bleakest references of humanity, but still carries a very high estimation of itself. The hallucination is such that they sometime fancy as moral authority of international community. Gandhi is thrust in every conceivable occasion to refurbish the image as self-appointed caretakers –trustees, of the world. The sham has gone for too long. It’s about time that Indians apologise to the world community for inflicting a casteist racist opportunist patriarch on the world. To start with each and every positive reference of Gandhi must be removed from African continent. Meanwhile caste cannibals masquerading as entitled kindred souls in international forums must be booted out. Castetva forces that ruled India, and firmly controlled the narration, for last many decades have nurtured and fed primitive entrenched groups across the world that expertise in playing liberal. Subtle semantics and cunning positioning is added ammunition to awe strike the world. Meanwhile whatever they delve in is degraded and taken to the worst possible denomination.

There is always the highest estimation, so the entitled mediocres are ever ready to take on Einstein, Newton…revisit quantum or whatever is being dealt by the best of human minds. Blessed Indians failed to understand how is that these aren’t being attributed to their all-knowing civilizational greatness. It baffles them meanwhile Indians remain a bunch whose civilizational as well as contemporary contribution to humanity remains an embarrassing apology. Mostly showcasing as ace replicators and shallow incrementalists, all negotiated as if it is a ritual. Give them the template they will figure it out, cheaper and clever additions. It is in the same exaggerated narration, that the blessed claim to see future, these are taken as higher knowledge (in a society which rarely values knowledge except as auspicious multiplier of money hence blessing). Something no other people in world (indeed universe) can accomplish. The BS vendors are quite naturally esteemed members of primitive society, they are positioned as wise men who are consulted for making the occasion propitious by bending the laws of nature –in all humbleness, it must be added, into their favour. The deep nature of beleaguered society nurtures these conmen. Market media, despite its highest claim as guardian angels, is an extension of travesty meant to trap common people into putrid pit. This clippings from few newspapers (indeed one can safely assume that these ‘news’ must be there in more newspapers and other news outlets too, that’s is how the racket works). It’s about two ‘prominent’ astrologers (an indication of primitive society that showcase these con artists as prominent!) predicting that state government of Karnataka will fall by March 5th (that is tomorrow!). Market media finding these con artists as ‘vidwan’ (scholar) shows how much they are complicit. Further, this nonsense as news is symptomatic to larger muck that is persistently sought to envelope the society and relegate common people. This is where Castetva and Hindutva forces meet to exchange notes. While irresponsible media institutionalise these baloneys, its impact on society and hapless people can be easily be gauged, meanwhile it also opens up the insecure politicians to cultivate these to survive. Thus common people’s needs and aspiration are countered while a cunning narration, to appease unknown forces that has firm control on fate, is pushed in. These are the same who classify society as benign castes groups (community used as clever euphemism, the world needs to now rethink as to what community means. Such is the sickness of this society) ready to be herded as vote banks, while third rate casteists are elevated as astute leaders all the while degraded journalists morph and bring their innate nature as astrologers, ready with incisive crap talk on anything and everything. It’s a stellar performance. It’s a different matter that they rarely get anything right, including predictions, ironical! Devastating that maybe but they are back with renewed vigour befitting con artists assured of easy licks.

It needs people connected to surrounding reality with necessary quality of empathy that frames mindsets to understand and perceive, something blessed entitled acutely lack, indeed incapable, hence these bullshit vendoring. This fellow Verma, manipulating for bigger lick, kickstarted his ambitions by informing common people on how to pronounce, of all things, ‘lingerie’ and now refers primitive casteist feudal society as “most refined society”. Quite clearly he is degrading to factor himself in (if we have stricter understanding of ‘refined’ then a fellow with caste reference, despite adept in cunning semantics, will be early causality and kicked out), hence this constant strive and desperation. Two decades back I ticked him out. But the persistent fellow is adept in his game, a clear understanding of nuances to latch onto gravy train stampede. His career path and trajectory shows a conman at work, now though he must be securing for his litters like any nepotistic gene donor of ever refining society!

This hapless society values intelligence in bureaucracy, it’s as if bureaucrats are harbingers of wisdom. These were created to efficiently function the administration hence britishers gave them much power (and ofcourse prestige, with added money on the sly and easy privileges) so as to streamline and optimise exploitation. For beleaguered Indians with no reference of excellence or competence these become platform to showcase intelligence! Probably it fulfilled all the criteria of blessedness –power/prestige/money/privileges/hierarchy. What more divine intervention do you need?! What a disgraceful bunch. It is such a shame. So even now there is much fanfare for these jobs, and the entrance to these have been showcased as sign of high intelligence of Indians. So those already in ‘services’ (never did a word meant just the opposite, another of ‘refined’ indian marvel with words!) are seen as carriers of infinite wisdom. The truth being these are just government employees meant to execute government policies. Most really don’t have much knowledge nor understanding of wider world, stuck in manipulative surroundings throughout their life they generally become painful presence. However, with clear indications of blessed life they quite easily fall into the illusion of wisdom and grandness of being (it’s always excruciating, nevertheless funny, to watch a retired police officer or indulgent diplomat elucidate on some higher ideas of world, with characteristic authority, without absolutely no idea on what he is talking about). Just because you carried out government policies for few decades doesn’t add to anything. Just a cog, that is all. They ofcourse do write books, like any entitled Indian, to showcase higher bearing and authenticate blessings. The reason why books by Indians (with rarest of rare exceptions) are just lot of garbage.

So there, ego driven power salivating bureaucrats are the carriers of intelligence and high knowledge that is so widely acknowledged in this godforsaken society that there is a stampede, even youngsters fit in core and exciting cutting edge persuasions get into the nonsense. This society persistently creates value systems that works against in its own interests and wellbeing.  Big corporate names, prestige, is other options to showcase their heuristic value base. Then they cross link with other thriving mediocrities like stupid wastrel’s game cricket to further degrade sports (and convert people into pliable thumping couch potatoes) and amazing disgraceful fare of Indian movies as art! (every pit contributes it worst, but the cream I reckon is telegu- atrocious, its spreading). This then therefore is the culture that impressionable minds are exposed to. So, excellent engineer turned into exceedingly exaggerated dumb bureaucrat or diplomat is celebrated as intelligence, richest sporting body IPL digs the pits to shame even the idea of sports, while richest Indian movie –bahubali, is an embarrassment that in many ways defines Indian take on art (with the same amount of money other societies would have made something to savor): crass, lacking any nuance, subtlety or evolved idea. Last but not the least look at the dwelling the richest Indian (not rich because of any amazing innovation) has made for himself! If there is lowest possible expectation from any society (ofcourse except mullah’s barrenness and racist Trumpster land) in the world, then it is this.    

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Work will not set you free

Perception managers have only one use of reality and that is to manipulate it to their advantage. In a degraded beleaguered society with well-established cannibalistic value system these get heart wrenching. So they insist and orchestrate as work will set you free. Don’t worry about outcomes just keep working. God is watching, so you will no doubt get your dues in next life. Meanwhile charlatans and devious frog leap from sanctum ethical moral vacuum to cosy entitlements as foreseer and arbitrators. There are also constant celebrations of higher possibilities that is ofcourse limited by their own limitations. They also, with riveting purpose, emulate liberal values from west, hinting also at modernity. It’s a compelling charade if you catch the nuance. Meanwhile keep the common people occupied in their misery, drivel into them their fate that is so tenuously hinged to largesse extended. Also, constantly degrade since they blossom in muck. Standards are therefore always kept low (check mediocre movies exalted as art and stupid game cricket as sport) while entry carefully calibrated. Enterer is constantly kept in check by reminders of fate, that could easily be turned into deep shit. Low standards create manipulative space hence are potent weapon for reiterating and perpetuating the sanctum sanctioned morally dubious value system, that works as the deep nature of state. Every society has marketeers but in here they are the core to which politics, business, media etc. coalesce to perpetuate the deep nature of society. The worst of capitalism without any innovation or competence is the model here. Crony capitalism produced millionaires, little trumps, in every conceivable disgusting indianised ways while millions go without basic needs. It’s a camaraderie racket that constantly faults facts, eschew social data and avoid complexities of the society. Patronising elitism with sanctum entitlement is the safest bubble from which critical issues are arbitrated. They also recruit and nurture role models as distraction to keep common people occupied in their misery while firmly tied to fate that could ofcourse be improved substantially by vigorous penance and being fleeced from their meagre living in the alter of sanctum. It’s a devious conception and there surely is no escape, atleast not in this life. These are carefully drivelled in as modern gadgets are accrued as god given good fortunes to further these primitive ways. It is no surprise that Indians value themselves as facilitators, hence whatever educational qualification or skill one may have it need to be evaluated through money and power, hence managers/MBA and bureaucracy/IAS/IPS (?!) as pinnacle of life’s ambition, also valuated as excellence and ofcourse the great mediocre Indian self-asserting urge for merit. It’s a constant strive, ofcourse passed through primitive family value system in each home, that gets it succour from sacred sanctum, to be seen as controllers of other’s fate, as someone working over others. The more people under you (or crucially, dependent on you) better the fate, definite sign of blessing. There seems to be no understanding of knowing yourself and surrounding, to create life affirming value and worth. No wonder this is a vassal state for worst kind of marketeers from across the world, and every now and then little Trumps gives thumbs up sign as success story for market media to chew on so as to redefine blessing in modern times and people to gawk at.       

Work will not set you free. No amount of meaningless dehumanising rotating of charkha will change any reality. These symbols were carefully calculated (despite valiant intellectualisation by devious gandhians) to trap common people into submitting to their divine duty, their fate, while being readied to exploit their body and slowly deliberately extinguish their souls. “By doing the same thing day after day mechanical skill may be acquired; but the mind like a mill-turning bullock will be kept going round and round a narrow range of habit. That is why, in every country man has looked down on work which involves this kind of mechanical repetition” (Rabindranath Tagore, "The Cult of the Charka"). There is no pride in degrading jobs. There is no life when body is just an instrument for extraction of profit. Hopefully automations will reduce these dehumanising jobs. Government meanwhile must initiate targeted basic income to vulnerable people, specifically marginalised women (now that many have bank accounts, as also women’s empowerment), so that people (significantly children) feel sense of security and can get some respite from dehumanising money making drudgery and institutionalized exploitation, hence can thrive to their potential as humans and not cog in machine for devious to exploit. Chatter box will chatter about where will the money come from (as if the money these market created dubious jobs get them is what their value is!), quite ironically since almost all are entitled rent seekers and sanctum blessed with minimum of skills. The elected representatives are duty bound to provide basic income to vulnerable. Money can come from natural resources (nature has not conceived billions of years of its resources to be fed to fattened ambanis and aggrawals, and to increase their blessings) or through innovative ways like income from data, inheritance tax so on. Even at international level there is a need to create fund for climate change adaptation, as the millions of vulnerable people with arguably least carbon footprint pay the price. About time to tax international financial as well as data transactions, akin to much touted Tobin tax.  

Much to the man is undue


Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Where honours are due

There is absolutely no reason why the highest honour of the land is not extended to Shivakumara Swamiji. Belonging to lingayat tradition, part of rich legacy of bhakti movement, initiated by saint Basava that strived for egalitarian society, stridently against caste and value system that degraded the society while working within Hinduism to remove these dehumanizing structures that squatters worked from sanctum control. Unfortunately, in recent times these have been co-opted by primitive nature of society that seeks to appropriate egalitarian values into caste fold through state institutions and power. As also these are now being beaten into divisive political agenda, and become part of cunning political dealings that reduced it to caste groups with uncouth haggling as leaders. Its despicable, this society seems to be fine-tuned to reduce everything into worst possible references and bleakest outcomes, very much orchestrated by devious people nurtured by deep state. Meanwhile there is absolutely no reason why anti-caste movement like Lingayats are not separate religion and given minority status so that these subtle thoughts and ideas are protected from crude nature of society, this has support of common people. These situations and demands becomes painfully ridiculous when put in context to members of stupid game (read cricket) who were honoured by state (disgracefully the market nominee in amalgam with deep nature of state was seen promoting products despite the highest honour. In a crude ecosystem you cannot expect finesse, at the most well calibrated humbleness. Such is the greed and degraded nature of society that nurture these).

Swamiji, who passed away two days back at the age of 111, was a part of rich legacy that constantly worked for betterment of humanity, these have been instrumental in providing quality education and primary health care for millions of desperate people who were discriminated by society and state institutions -its carefully worked out lopsided nature of development that failed to care for vulnerable, marginalised and exploited. By honouring Shivkumara Swamiji the government is not only honouring a remarkable individual but a tradition that traces its roots that thrived from Buddha to Bhakti movement to Nanak despite primitive caste feudals constantly intruding through clever semantics, state power and money.   

Casteless economic criterion for affirmative action: Though it is political move this blogger would like to congratulate the government for taking steps towards much saner form of affirmative action. Unfortunately, the primitive nature of society, controlled by entrenched power brokers, will make it difficult. They thrive in degraded ecosystem, where manipulating and controlling common people is easier while stampeding for representing their angst, as also easy template for playing liberal. Further anti-caste measures need to be taken that makes it difficult for casteist to work their devious ways. Meanwhile the most marginalised and systemically exploited needs continuous attention and support. Massive investment is needed in primary education and health at grassroot level, unlike trickled down by mediocre caste feudals and their pious interventions that was the norm for last many decades.       

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Ever expanding claims of low calibers

When entitled mediocres of a blessed society wallowing in its putrid pit encounters the subtler world they are baffled. It’s a mixture of exaggerated self-worth grandeur surveying the scene for indications of higher blessing (as has been predicted and guaranteed by intricacies of foretelling future, a ‘vidya’, specially gifted from abode that humanity is yet to understand, such is the extent of BS nurtured by the degraded society) while with limited intellect, to get traction for elevated self its assured place in brahmand. With it the eternal burden of rectifying the misunderstanding the world suffers about grandness of blessed Indians -that has already been authenticated from unknowable energies of universe. As much as Indian scientist is a joke, indeed an oxymoron if put in its blessed context, Indian Science Congress is a laughter to set the tone for the year for a beleaguered society. These are not something happening in last few years, nor these socalled scientist aberrations, it’s a legacy that has been viciously nurtured by castetva forces (with characteristic cunningness to keep people divided and trapped while licking the gravy and passing it on to exploitative feudals from islam and market to get the frame of secular and diversity. Such is the liberal ruse to awe the world). Castetva has already solidified the frame for Hindutva to work on. The deep nature of society -that is fed by castetva forces over the decades, nurtures these worldviews and place them in significant positions and responsibility –replicating the devious nature of sanctum (Pranab is one of the examples that was taken to the highest position without any discernible skills except high level cunningness and camaraderie. Collect the return gift from Ghana!), very much intended to be an aspiration for beleaguered common people as also an assurance to any threat to its worldview. These blessings are easily taken in by common people, hence the views and actions get credibility since blessing authenticate. Thus there is no right or wrong only blessedness, and there are some who even capitalise these miseries into high philosophy. This is how things were being orchestrated by depraved debauched posturing as leaders. Having lost the lick they are viciously conniving, and becoming blatant with caste degradations. And with persistent perceptions created by third rate market media –in its ever simplifying mandate, they posit that common people have nothing but caste to vote for and then cleverly wrangle the narration to gravy filled end for orgy of views and counterviews, judiciously playing sanctum immoral pointers to hunt the insecure politicians into caste paradise.

For hierarchical minded Indians life is about high and low, high is about sanctum characterized submissive subservience -beggar's mindset, that is ready to lick at the shortest hint while low is open to inhuman exploitations, being acutely sensitive of world scrutiny these morph as patronizing pointers as also values of diversity that must be preserved (similar to the one by primitives in sabarimala). For the same reason there is an eternal struggle to get the tag that would elevate them, ofcourse all these within the pit (that they are born into while ardently seeking to die in bigger pit). The reason for “senior”, hence senior lawyers, senior journalists, senior politicians…even senior scientists. VC of Andhra university was nurtured by deep state into senior scientist, and the onus was now on him to convert the senior blessing into bigger opportunity. Since they have highest estimate of themselves within fictitious frame it's but natural to extend the omnipotent fiction. Newton, Einstein, Darwin…nothing but the topmost is their target. This has the effect of catapulting themselves and sanctum blessing into highest level of reckoning. Taking on the popular also sanctifies the blessing with much easiness among common people -herd. Semantics and humbleness is judiciously mixed with cunning dexterity. It works with audience, while peer review and serious scrutiny is not effected by charlatan’s devious ways. So we are extolled to have open mind, “our mind should be like parachutes” exults the VC to audience as he elaborates on ancient Indian grandness wherein stem cell research was common as much as test tube babies while aircrafts flew around. It’s a different matter that too much open mind gets filled with bullshit, and for blessed entitled with low calibre these are easy matter. Gandhi by quote can be fit into any occasion. The arrogance and amazing level of self-assuredness while asserting these nonsense is what defines and needs special attention if one were to get into mindset of caste feudal blessed Indians. It’s the same frame that seeks itself as jagathgurus, as secular liberals patiently humbly waiting to awestrike the world with highest worldviews and carefully arranged kindred selves. Gandhi was a sample.

You may also visit me at for my visit to Indian science congress in 2016.  

I also had the misfortune of visiting All India Sociological Conference few weeks back. Although sociology is an interesting subject but when it comes to Indians it is the usual bullshit vendors in varying degree of mediocrity sucking on to get grants and positions. So I was here at about 10.30am as mentioned in the schedule. Everything was, as expected, badly arranged, nobody seems to be bothered, and when it started at 11.10am they had customary apology ready, that too nobody was bothered. Meanwhile I went about the stalls that were arranged (interestingly Oxford publication was making valiant attempts at positioning Gandhi as anti-caste. Hilarious and pitiable). Random photos of the books arranged will give you the glimpse of castetva control over narration. It’s disgusting, and I pity the younger generations who are fed on these nonsenses. Meanwhile back to the talk, a VC (self-proclaimed dalit) shows characteristics that got him the position. He was virulently casteist, mentioning “people are unfortunately moving away from caste identity while voting”, ofcourse to the intense delight of all the caste cannibals masquerading as intellectuals. There is a term in US “house niger”, it is quite suited here. Castetva forces have created such wonders to offset their primitiveness. Jagjivan ram was a prominent example. His daughter though competent had to give way to cunning Pranab, and was later summoned after BJP's candidate choice (there was intense revulsion among Delhi based chatterati as they had put their money on gandhi’s litter –who was judiciously nurtured). Later 'Dr.Shastri' spoke on ‘caste and elections’, and exhibited high competence by focusing on ‘dalit votebank’. The high decibel crude fellow was introduced as having visited 50countries (it was not mentioned as to for what reason –I pictured him in bermudas at Miami beach, but nevertheless it showcased his blessedness that cannot be denied hence authority) and was thanked for finding time from busy schedule. We were told that he was regular on TV discussions, and has written 100 op eds. Surely the fellow has found gainful employment from nothing! What he had to say was again the extension of BS that need no mention but it kept the sociologically inclined intellectually challenged audience riveted. High sounding sentences like “for your considerations” “interesting trends” “interesting observations” “stray observation” “I don’t have answer to it but it’s an important question” “take cue from my talk”…were liberally used whenever they were short on ideas. All the while the screen next to the dais was showing the pictures of hotels where the dignitaries were staying (pic herein). These ridiculous situations arise because these are not connected to the ground realities. They just float to blab and then move out, everything need to be arranged for them, the onus is not on them to even look around. So the computer technician takes the decision that effects all, nobody seemed embarrassed they carried on as if it is fated. Ideally the talker must be made to make all electric fitting, and all aspects of power point. Most of these people do not even have the competence to switch on the mike. I also observed many spelling mistakes in important communications.

At about 12.30pm, as discussion on the dais was heating up, I decided it was wasteful for me. It was while I was moving out that I found the audience had mostly vanished.  Lunch was being served, and all those whom I found riveted to the discussion had unhinged and riveted to stampede for lunch. It’s a remarkable attribute to shift attention so effortlessly that too in middle of discussions to lunch. They didn’t give any impression of having taken part in any sociology discussion only moments back as I listened to them exchanging travelling plans while stuffing their mouth. Indian sociologists are disgraceful bunch.  Hopefully these aren’t paid by the government.          

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Low calibers blessed as Indian journalists

Indian journalists, like all other aspects in this beleaguered society, emerge from worst of social context -a milieu of valueless opportunism and incompetence (there are exceptions but these are rare). To make the matter worse they have been fed and nurtured by caste feudals, the sycophants ruling the roost in last many decades, therefore played to the script at the expense of hapless vulnerable people who slip further into desperation (as is pointed in every HDI statistics) while low calibers climb up as stellar trustees. The situation becomes worse in poorer exploited part of the society that is known for worst forms of social interactions, meanwhile basic amenities are always kept wanting by corrupt system therefore people are trapped in their own misery. This works at multiple levels of assertions. The incompetent feel powerful as being blessed while miserable will have to work on blessings hence queue up for blessings while the caste feudals double up as divine stakeholders -sanctum squatters, for further milking the miserable into a cycle of fate. They enthusiastically elaborate these tragedies to the wide-eyed receptive fluffs in West as Indians viewing life as an ongoing process! There is always mirth in these interactions, a tact camaraderie is shared particularly with monarchy driven ‘democracy’ of Britain (this bunch have severely degraded India by not only through colonial exploitation but significantly through the kind of people it has nurtured and fed, before and after the so-called independence, who took control of Indian institution as also the narration) of how much we are special. Ofcourse British were much smarter, Indians could only be cheap copy.

Sycophants as leaders stampeded into power centres, leapfrogging from sanctum vacuum into modern ways that British had tutored, cozily settling as trustees. Characteristically they spread their depraved value system and infected institutions as they grew. In the last many decades, one institution that abrogated power to itself while isolating from grime of politics but cleverly positioning as influencers, has been the media. They replicated all the trappings of sanctum, even conjuring presiding deities too. They performed the impossible task of fitting the caste feudal putrid narration into liberal narration, a task made much easier by learning from the hypocrisies of monarchy-christian feudal values of Britain (a narration they don’t forget to express gratitude, hence the Indian english media’s obsession with British royalty or indeed any such degradation anywhere in the world. While west do have evolved values, and yes monarchy though anachronistic have contributed a lot -even bringing riches of colonial exploitations, Indians were woefully mediocre and parasited on common people with the active moral vacuum blessings to authenticate, lacking any other discernible skills. Instead of fighting the colonisers they negotiated for favours, and shamelessly stooped so low for crumbs like number of gun salutes(!) that satisfied their little egos as these primates queued up in their best fancy dress to get photographed with their masters).

Evolved democracies have ‘fourth estate’ as a watch dog of democracy, despite rise of muck the core is overwhelmingly value driven but in India since the core is muck these were adorned as blessings and measured as god given opportunity by uncouths. They play tango with big money market (feeding on falling crumbs of fossil fuel profits -which in turn feeds on pride-ego and other deviant emotions of zombie population tempered by sanctum moral vacuum who see these as signs of blessing!) and other money sacks at the expense of vast population who suffer and whose voice are stifled in the milieu of competing feudal forces that looks for any opportunity for exploitation. It is akin to colonisers who exploited the land and people while the casteist feudals negotiated (and attempted to civilise by copying nuances-semantics) played liberal meanwhile the heavy price of colonial exploitation was paid by common people as the resources were depleted while caste pits consolidated their depravities. 
Sycophantic leaders nurtured and pampered metro based blessed media since they lacked mass base (dependent as they are on family names and feudal references) they worked on manipulation through fixers and perception creators. They set out to tune society according to their comfort and calibre, the society has since dredged to depths that there are very few examples in human civilisation, but characteristically maintain highest estimate of itself. Elections are another occasion of depraved consolidation.  Significant among this understanding is that common people are casteist and that their life revolve around caste. The truth being exactly the opposite, common people try their best to avoid these as these work against them and in a valueless society vulnerable pay heavy price, but constant battering in the last few decades have diminished all egalitarian references. So before the elections caste divisions highlighted, perceptions created about leaders and their ‘skills’, while common people’s miseries are glossed over since to understand that requires competence and complete change of outlook in life beginning with empathy, the kind these posturing as trustees/caretakers woefully lack or probably have no understanding since ill equipped emerging from moral vacuum. Predicting election is also about inane talks, clever posturing and riveting narration building without any basis whatsoever, opportunistic heuristics giving impression of deep thought out logic, all skills that squatters emerging from sanctum vacuum effortlessly possess. Jyothish (BS vendoring) is also a vidya around here, that has enamoured common people out of even their basic sense. Such is the talent of this primitive society. As expected, they never get any predictions right but are back with analysis, again the feudal gameplan of caste divisions, it’s a concerted effort to undermine the intelligence of people, it’s also taking people and their miseries for granted into bigger ruse to be consumed at high table discussions. Egalitarian moves to create religion out of section (lingayats) that fought against casteism has been shunted, and you could see the fervency as caste feudals in the media left no stone unturned to manipulate the narration into 'people have rejected these' (wonder why would people reject anti-casteist movement, the egalitarian basis of their association as an entity as they negate the increasingly mainstream narration of casteism?!). 

The depravity is quite strong among north-Indian based news outlets, seems like some kind of caste jehad (what type of monsters are these?). Its on the similar thought line that it's about time dalit be classified as separate religion. Since dalit assertion while being part of casteist hinduism will be assertion of casteism as also giving a leeway for caste feudals controlling the narration to play angst for western audience thus position as kindred souls for big licks. Dalit needs to be separated from hinduism. Also, being traditionally and culturally exploited section, with negligible say in narration, there must be a claim on minority status, this will also severely disprove effete elite’s angst driven gameplan with muslims since casteist will not have moral hinge to support anti-caste without being anti-caste themselves. Ofcourse these nuances are difficult to be asserted in a primitive society made chaotic by cunning exploitative feats but nevertheless it will help showcase the ethical bankruptcy of those posturing for high moral grounds.  
 Caste driven feudal media is also about creating narration of casteism to ensnare superstitious opportunistic ‘leaders’ into their estimation hence as possible leeway for bartering image building as also channel to highest power structures of the land. Sycophantic traditions have seen to it that these excuse of leaders have degraded institutions by cultivating nepotistic relations with market media -who instead of communicator see themselves as creators and dispensers of opinion. They create their cozy world away from miseries of society into a sanitized vad-samvad tradition, morphing these cannibalistic luxuries as liberalism. The society spirals down all the way while some crumbs are dropped as excuse meanwhile strong control over the narration as arbitrators of beleaguered society. Flashy words are thrown to awe strike the world. They have also co-opted and nurtured opinion makers from other religions too (mostly hedonists or closet fundamentalists sniffing for opportunity), who carry blatant casteism as sign of evolved bearing of castetva against hindutva. Indeed they habituate highest moral grounds as torchbearers of society. The sickness of it.       
It is through consistent pressure from cannibalistic casteist feudals -through control over democratic institutions, that has created a valueless impasse trapping common people. It is not surprising since it’s the same conniving casteist who worked against egalitarian values espoused by Buddhism to systematically wipe it out while evolved people and societies, from China to Japan, received these enlightened thoughts and subtle aesthetics and have since not only prospered but have vibrantly contributed to humanity. Squatter propose that Shankara won the debate, the sick minds are limited to ideas of winning wherein philosophy is matter of understanding and evolving. Not surprisingly squatters created putrid pits, and are still busy digging deeper, meanwhile exhibiting characteristic cleverness of semantics to create a smokescreen of liberal values. They even had the audacity to code 'Buddha has smiled' for nuclear explosion, shows deep seated animosity. This is deep nature of state. Pity.  

Post script: The way egalitarian, fiercely anti- caste nature of Sikhism, has been dealt needs critical scrutiny. Guru GranthSahib is an evolved and subtle value based collection of thoughts (that even contains Kabir) that caste feudal find problematic. Sikhism being attuned to realities of life was able to consolidate against exploitation and invaders. Guru Nanak was an enlightened soul, who fought against caste and casteism while seeking to place foundation of egalitarian society. He is placed at the highest esteem by most Indians. So the question arises why his burial site, which is only 4km from Indian border, was not included into India (we need details of negotiation during partition). There is clear attempt to denigrate (jokes against sikhs are part of this) and divide, and you can see the same intent during 1984 golden temple assault, sikh massacre and delay in justice. It has all the trademark of mediocre caste feudal's cunning ways. Nurturing caste into other religion is also seen as success of putrid pit value system, who gloat over these degradation since their values shine in muck, the muckier the better as humbleness becomes potent tool. The despicable ways are such that it has taken hold of the subcontinent in its vice grip. Take for instance the case of Asia bibi (accused of blasphemy in monster mullah thriving land called Pakistan). She drank water (now understand islam is quite egalitarian in these matters of sharing food so on) and was therefore accused by fellow women that " was forbidden for Christians to drink water from the utensils from which Muslims drink...". This has all the hallmark of squatter's depraved purity pit driven worldview (ofcourse monster mullah of pure land took it from there). Understand how much these have seeped into psyche of common people that it creates depravities not known to any human society. As casteist feudal effete indian elite climb higher and higher onto highest moral grounds (piggyback riding Schrodinger's despicable gandhi: He is casteist. He is not casteist. Indeed he is both, that too at the same time! Take it on your face) to awe strike the world (and ofcourse universe-brahmand) miserable people trapped in the muck dredge deeper and deeper into putrefying pit. Its an spellbinding spectacle of unity in diversity.      

Friday, December 07, 2018

Birding report

Birding on 7/12/2018 (originally meant to be on 12/11/2018 -Birding day, but was travelling)
Location: about 5kms away from Ranganathittu bird sanctuary
Timing: 7am to 9am
Observation: foggy morning, intermittent sun.

  1.  Black Drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus)
  2. Indian Koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus)
  3. Jungle Myna (Acridotheres fuscus)
  4. Little Cormorant (Microcarbo niger)
  5. Black Kite (Milvus migrans)
  6. Yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava)*
  7. Brahminy Kite (Haliastur indus)
  8. Indian pond heron (Ardeola grayii) 
  9. Ashy prinia (Prinia socialis)
  10. Rose-ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri)
  11. Striated heron (Butorides striata) 
  12. House crow (Corvus splendens)
  13. Pied bush chat (Saxicola caprata)
  14. Black-headed ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus)
  15. Little egret (Egretta garzetta)
  16. Common myna (Acridotheres tristis)
  17. Great tit (Parus major)
  18. Red-naped ibis (Pseudibis papillosa)
  19. Red-wattled lapwing (Vanellus indicus)
  20. Malabar grey hornbill (Ocyceros griseus) 
  21. Red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus)
  22. Purple heron (Ardea purpurea) 
  23. Ashy-crowned sparrow-lark (Eremopterix griseus) 
  24. Crow pheasant (Centropus sinensis)
  25. Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis)
  26. Paddyfield pipit (Anthus rufulus) 
  27. White-necked stork (Ciconia episcopus)***
  28. Green bee-eater (Merops orientalis)
  29. Purple-rumped sunbird (Leptocoma zeylonica)
  30. Brown shrike (Lanius cristatus)*
  31. Red avadavat (Amandava amandava)
  32. White-breasted waterhen (Amaurornis phoenicurus)
  33. Scaly-breasted munia (Lonchura punctulata)
  34. White-rumped munia (Lonchura striata)
  35. Indian jungle crow (Corvus culminatus) 
  36. Wire-tailed swallow (Hirundo smithii)
  37. White-browed wagtail (Motacilla maderaspatensis)
  38. Blue-tailed bee-eater (Merops philippinus)*
  39. Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica)*
  40. White wagtail (Motacilla alba)*
  41. Indian roller (Coracias benghalensis)**
  42. Common sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos)* 
  43. Little ringed plover (Charadrius dubius) 
*winter migrant
**State bird of Karnataka
***Though documented as Woolly-necked stork, i prefer to refer as White-necked stork. Woolly is an expression of touch (feel) while white is of sight. You can only touch a bird when it is dead or captive.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Morons as artists

The allegations raised, indeed it is a widely reported and well documented crime, by actress is of serious nature (kidnapping and molestation). That this is happening in this age and time with impunity, that too of a public figure, is shocking. And then there are buffoons who speak as if nothing matters and that anything and everything can be manipulated, with money, power and entrenched patriarchy as alibi. Cases of such serious nature must be fast tracked. 

Kerala always shocks, it persistently makes earnest attempts to get in touch with primitive selves. It’s a failed society that was given all the opportunity the best of the world had to offer. While societies like Scandinavian countries, Japan, South Korea so on when given these high level of HDI, specifically opportunity to educate oneself, use healthy body to create healthy exciting mind to explore and innovate and use wealth to evolve into better selves, Kerala is a disgrace. There cannot be any hope, even bright youngsters will be trapped and soon be co-opted into putrid pit as has been happening for ages, and you exaggerate it to pan India level and you know that Indians really don’t measure up and as a society there is a foundational issue. It’s a society in moral vacuum and diseased with ego that has highest estimate of itself, a dubious narration that is being fed by popular medium, pseudo intellectuals and irresponsible cunning opinion makers. Swami Vivekananda, evolved hindu seer and an enlightened man, was correct in his estimate of Kerala. A madhouse.

In the sabarimala issue it was Castetva feudal force Congress that led the path for the fringe in Hindutva (the market driven section is being promoted by market media. The mainstream still is, to be fair, ambivalent and tried to acquaint with best of Hinduism, futile attempt as Castetva has struck the degradation point to spiral it down. Shrewd) and gave them strength by showcasing possibilities of devious narrow communal politics as they, as is the wont, sought to capitalise on opportunity. Meanwhile the zombie like people who have been selectively bred to cannibalise that they have started to eat themselves. It is a sorry sight. What kind of society is this? Most societies do have these problems but the core has some moral compass, value compassion and nurture excellence but Indians (like barren expanding land of monster mullahs) have no core to value, it is an assimilation of opportunists who create self righteous exaggerations as it suits. And so as Indians get literate, healthy, and acquire money and modern gadgets the blessing is set grow. They will seek the worst, and to validate they will scrap the bottom of other societies. It is in the degraded ecosystem that they thrive. Indians must be critically evaluated.

Monday, October 08, 2018

Mark the scoundrels

These are Congress (INC) leaders in Kerala displaying their cunning self to capitalise on people’s misery as the hapless people try to negotiate the primitiveness and discriminatory nature of sites, posturing as faith, through judiciary. They have, as is the insidious nature, calculated political gain here, as they have in last many decades aligning with extreme muslim organisations (playing minority, wherein in Kerala muslims don’t really fit in the tag of minority. Arguably one of the richest sections these organisations regressively work on religion as political power, therefore communalising and dividing the society while severely marginalised people facing caste atrocities and discriminations, as also tribes, have suffered untold misery and exploitations). They are protesting against egalitarian attempts of society to civilise sites of religion that is known for its horrendous past and moral dubiousness, and have over the decades trapped people into a zombie like state wherein literacy and nutrition haven’t really produced better humans. Kerala is case study on limitations of Indians, and their incapacity to be better humans despite all the possible opportunities. They are programmed to drivel to the basest. Casteist and primitive Hindus match and align quite easily with racist white Christians and monster mullahs, Islamists. As they fatten and are exposed to modern amenities they bring in the worst, and persistently try to force others into the putrid pit in the garb of faith, and if that is questioned on the ground of basic idea of justice then they will cleverly, without any irony, use avenues provided by democracy and egalitarian frameworks to squeeze in their debauched values -hence attitudes, that works to undermine basic principles of democracy and in time these degrade institutions meanwhile leading to backlash from common people, thus reactive forces gain grounds. Therefore, it is very important that principle of justice is upheld that keeps in mind the most vulnerable and exploited. Any discrimination based on the identities of race, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientations is injustice and violation of basic human rights. These are objective realities of a human, that he or she is born with. Religion is NOT an objective reality. Humans are not born with or into a religion. These are human construct. Nation too is a human construct but it has to be adhered for administrative reasons. Religion therefore is a choice, is an idea to negotiate life. It is not an identity one is born with, and any attempt to push this as such will be strongly resisted. Religious fundamentalists (monster mullah see blasphemy in leaving islam which is to be dealt with death. Such is the inhuman values that they profess, also putting severe pressure on inter faith alliance thus a free thriving society), as also casteists (like Gandhi, thus against religion conversion as also caste as blessing), have been manoeuvring religion as an identity. These have been getting enthusiastic support from fattened fluffs in West, who having no connection with realities or context of common people negotiate with the feudal power brokers and pretenders. Religion if seen as an identity is a negation of being human, hence humanity.         
Coming back to depraved opportunistic congress leaders in Kerala they belong to a political party that has ruled the country and state for many decades. Apart from the regressive social context these leaders emerge from and thrive in they have, by the virtue of being in policy making positions, severely degraded the society in last many decades. They provided deviant ecosystem and nurtured values by extending patronages thus infecting society. This therefore gets reflected in art and culture too, in the mainstream dealings and is thus normalised. They have been known to perform untold atrocities during emergency in the state in 1970s. The leaders involved in mass killing (particularly of idealistic youths) and atrocities on common people (like the shrewd temple hopper Karunakaran), were not surprisingly sided and promoted. Congress leaders have been regressive force in Kerala, and like in the centre, were voice of feudals and casteists with a penchant for mullah feeding (at the expense of common muslims) that was choreographed to offset the crude values and debased selves. 
Congress, and its allies, in Kerala is known for some severely degraded people, feudal arrogance and egoistic entitlement, that will make you shudder. To further themselves they could go to any extend, even use innocent common people to score against rival within the party. Take the case of ISRO spy case wherein an innocent and highly dedicated talented scientist’s life was ruined. And it is because of his admirable uncommon tenacity that he was able to prove his innocence after twenty long years of soul depleting battle with tardy judicial system. Nation needs to recognise his sacrifice, and must be suitably awarded. There are hundreds and thousands like him who have been ‘taken care’ by these third-rate people posturing as leaders who also manipulate, misuse and politicize bureaucracy into their own reflection as warring corruption driven incompetence. Think of how, let’s say HAL, was purposely neglected while they amass millions through juicy arms deal. It’s a world of live and let live. You do your sh*t we do our sh*t, it makes a tolerant diversity, and when push comes to shove we go licking. If you delve into depths of these you will know how opportunism works and how blessed people sharpen their talent in nepotism, blatant corruption and wanton greed while posturing as pious god fearing gandhians and liberal secular stars meanwhile people slip further into misery.         

Post script: It was Communist who brought in land reforms and put pressure on feudal forces (the first elected communist government in the world was unjustly dismissed by casteist feudals at the centre). The egalitarian nature of policies made marginalised and exploited people assertive, that in turn created space for better schools, health services and attempted at vibrant society (its different matter that the society reckoned itself into stagnant pit). Meanwhile Congress at the centre was scuttling these matters, if not land reforms atleast stringent inheritance laws would have helped to balance amazingly iniquitous and unequal society. The problems we see in India, of low HDI and virulent casteism -inhuman value system, is the product of irresponsible ways over the decades. Hindutva is only a minor extension of Castetva.