Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Radhe maas of market media

There is nothing intriguing in the way market media chooses its target, like a pack of predators they ferociously attack and gleefully comment in an ever purifying and competing self-righteousness. Clearly the forces behind these theatrics are the same, they vary in the display and sensational intent, as also the sponsors (puerility of that in itself is another story). There is a woman who has become centre of fancy among the English and Hindi ‘news’ channel, now this one is some kind of comic relief therefore an easy target. The belligerence of the reporters and countering of the same create an absurd situation. She claims to be goddess (a goddess with a Punjabi accent is dream come true scene! Being an Indian can be sometimes be seriously funny affair) or atleast her followers believe so. Garishly dressed, gaudy surroundings, crudely materialistic concomitantly absence of application of mind or critical thinking is typical of most people in this part of the world, that has been suitably exploited for ages. Now this one is no saint or great soul that this society revere as the source of awareness in bleak world. There are so many like her who cleverly associate the nuances of squatter’s temples and showcase themselves as carriers of miracles. Not coincidentally this is what the squatters do in the temple too, creating wonders of gods and hawking the miracles, they also exaggerate human attributes of gods and in a clever sleight also to themselves for being the mediator. Now shift the framework to market media and service sector absurdities, what really has changed? Nothing much. The gods are now the specially created market icons, the actors and cricketers, both competing for varying degree of mediocrity. Indeed being an actor or cricketer is a minor matter, as they ferociously compete for endorsements (without ofcourse ever being responsible, and the onus is one use to be understanding towards them. Aw), and that defines their worth. These are the gaudy gods the market create and are carried from one product to another, from brand to another, dexterously parroting lines that seek to trap people. How is this different from the Radhe maas of the world? What is different from this fellow Shah Rukh khan pedaling cola and whatever, that market media depends on for its daily roti. Taking high moral grounds on slippery ethics is quite an art.

It needs also be noted that Market media in the avatar of saviour doesn’t really question the primitive foundations, indeed they quite gleefully promote it, as all kinds of charlatans, pandits (incidentally the abuse in Nehru Wikipedia entry is the word Pandit, and that should be investigated. Why Nehru is a pundit while others, some exceptionally erudite like Ambedkar, are not is a serious issue that will open up the Indian elite's depraved world), we are told bless their presence with absolute nonsense, they predict future, suggest puerilities as traditions so on, it’s an amazing racket. Of course some have morphed with bit of education into journalism, as political commentators prospecting Indian society while some does as 'consultants' on matters ranging from finance to anything under the sun. The crazy exaggeration of issue like Radhe maas of world are attempts by clever market operators trying to assert their moral superiority. Closer scrutiny shows they are as depraved and muck filled.      

The issues are chosen carefully by the market media as to how it can be exaggerated and squeezed, it is amazing how different media stampede from one issue to another in a tawdry replication of each other in intent and content indicating how they are controlled by similar source. This source, the cash rich byproduct of corporates, is the new benchmark. This cash rich specie that does the hawking, as the money pour in for the same, seems to be setting the agenda. A new low is created on every occasion. It is in this ecosystem likes of Trump are born and thrive, and as these get replicated in India as market spreads, one can be quite sure that there are hundreds and thousands of millionaires like him in here too are getting richer and richer. Indian elite is pupating in the same ecosystem, what differentiates them from likes of Trump is their dexterity of words and deep understanding of barbaric nonviolence, that make them look like angels. Negotiating entitlements through nepotism and crony capitalism, cunningness posited as higher conscience, liberalism pointers in semantic jugglery…these are only the tip of iceberg. You will encounter much depraved home truths as you go down. Consumerism is therefore the new great liberator, indeed with few well-placed shots even creates a sense of patriotism. They therefore degrade systems and institutions, quite an easy task in a society where rules are lax, traditions strong and culture ever superior. This megalomaniac specie has necessary attributes of squatter’s primitiveness and cunningness while carrying the finesse of western liberals, they land into juiciest of occasions for enhanced branding. How much they have encroached policy making institutions is the mute question. There is no question that they have severely intruded into public space, and has further pushed the society into thriving absurdity filled consumers.   

Now that an Indian is heading Google, the market was alert to dumb it down for the herd. “Bollywood and cricket” was sought to be rushed in as essential hinge of Indian identity. The market driven buffoonery was in full swing. Ofcourse now finally the mediocre IIT has found the traction, to justify their ordained selves and position that the world will have to deserve them (?!). Hence the section is furiously pushing in the mythical attributes of IITians which the world as also universe will have to but recognize one day. Reality check: IITians are mostly mediocre and amazingly insular, as much as engineering field is exaggerated, they are just fine tuning market requirements and filling in. The so called innovators are only working within the framework, mostly incremental opportunists. This blogger thinks that, with few rare exceptions, this is one of Indian myth making racket. I used to meet IITians quite often while I was moonwalking in JNU and around, except some rare occasions they are mostly blinkered and too focused in all its negative import. I rarely found them interesting. Few months back I was interacting/interviewing a boy from IIT Delhi, and thought he was quite a genius (knowing how this word is misused). He could read and write a language, any language, within few days, and could retain it forever. He knew more than 20 languages! So we asked him to write a random name (srinivasan) in Tamil and Malayalam. And he was able to, though ‘shree’ is second word you learn in Malayalam (hari shree ganapathaye namaha), it is quite tough to write. I thought he was brilliant and one rare human being. But the boy was extremely confused about what to do with himself, he doesn’t really fancy engineering, and was extremely short on self-confidence on the verge of breakdown. That is what this bullshit called IIT, fixation and exaggeration, the mediocre society has created. 
Commentators were also seen pushing Indian value system?! And what really is that?  A society with amazingly ambiguous moral bearings always looks forward to justify itself on flimsiest of occasions. These kinds of individual achievements when you compare with overwhelming regressive surrounding and primitive ways cannot be generalized as an attribute of a society. Indeed this blogger will posit that despite overwhelming odds that Indian society creates some people are still able to do well is indeed a stupendous achievement, and instead of self-congratulating (for god knows what reason), it is better to introspect as to why Indians are such mediocrity appreciating bunch with extreme rare attribute of subtlety. These achievements has more do with the framework, and individuals escaping it. And yes they do well if they have to work within the system, that favor sincerity and hardworking as main attributes. As one fellow said in BBC: this is nothing to do with region or race. Assuming that there is an Indian race, though there are many Indians who tend to believe themselves to be quite superior, the dexterity with words morphs them as liberal. 

This blogger is here to rip the mask, quite sure of that one. This is an arduous task as the entrenched deviance is strong, and they have strongly positioned themselves as the money, power, traditional structures and alliances consolidates. They created crude aspiration frameworks, that are the basis of mediocrities and miseries. They are adept in degrading people and elevating gods, ditto with market -degrading nature and undermining basic ethical values. They are the basis of crony capitalism and nepotism, and primitive worldviews that is transmitted to younger generations. Morphing liberal values may impress the world community but this blogger knows the home truth, and is here to expose it. In this context Gandhi is only one of the array of defense that the elite carry with so much relish. The unfortunate reality is whether right or left, or anyone in between, Indian elite is severely compromised lot, and the depravity is much ingrained as they are aware of it. And that they have spread thin across the spectrum is the curse on Indian society.