Sunday, October 06, 2024

Beware the mockery

 Be very aware. This is not an accident. These two are human shaped attrition of systemic muck. This is what happens when democratic institutions of powerful societies are compromised primarily by complacency and condescending ways of the elites. Institutions crumble while the façade is celebrated. When politics is neatly divided into simplistic (indeed ridiculous) binary for ease of mock fights and power share. This binary is easily taken into extreme by opportunists wherein issues are complex -people’s existential context makes it dynamic and evolving. No issue is fixed in time but with binary politics it is frozen in deep space and used as and when needed without any outcome or resolution but to capitalize on emotions. This is what happens when democracy is reduced to nepotism of powerful people who use and undermine institutions. Lobbying is nothing but crony capitalism that severely undermines democracy. Did they ever try to rectify it? Wanton consumption driven capitalism supported by ecosystems of power and greed see world as resource. The world is limitless resource for their gargantuan greed that kept neoliberal exploitation thriving. They spread these neoliberal values as investment friendly narration onto poorer societies where the charlatans replicate these exploitative frameworks as development. The deceit also kept the war machine churning for profit. They attacked Iraq and destroyed the region for ego satisfaction. Corporate meanwhile presented itself as harbinger of freedom and choice which meant nothing. They took away meaning from meaningful. They emptied and vandalized everything of everlasting value and left mockery. As is the case, to paraphrase Nietzsche, when you deal with mockery all the time mockery stares back at you. US has become a mockery. With all system checks compromised they are imploding. It is saddening considering the potential and the impact on the world.

Trump is a mockery, not only on the idea of democracy, but humanity itself. That US nurtured this colossal BS (there is absolutely no other way to describe this fellow) into leadership position is a mockery on its tall claim as leader of the free world. Musk is a realtime mockery on the idea of capitalism and an exact representation of neoliberal horror. It is not surprising that both lack any redeeming human quality whatsoever, and without the system that nurtures these, they will be utter useless and not even be allowed in any decent human gathering. Most powerful man and richest man are shallow people with underdeveloped adolescent minds is a stark presentation of systemic failure that nurtured these ridicules into topmost reckoning. The lunatic fringe is amplified and mainstreamed. Truth no longer matters. It's a breakdown of sanity and civility. US is a lesson on complacent world. Whatever you cherish could vanish within moment if you are not alert and vigilant.