Saturday, October 05, 2024

Technology activates social change


Social movements have had a significant impact on consolidating egalitarian values and humanistic concerns. Education is instrumental in spreading awareness. These urgent pressure of awareness as changing norms get embedded into democratic institutions. This looks like a logical template for social change. Ofcourse it is a successful model but quite limited. In the recent times I am quite convinced that technology is an activator and consolidator of social change and has significant impact than social movements. The much-maligned technology is prime initiator of social change than science could. Eventhough science needs enlightened value framework to nurture and prosper it can work in narrow context of society. Society, or even the scientist, could be feudal or racist while science progress in the midst. Much of science developed and consolidated in this framework. It has claim of superior that fuels justification and refinement of process as inquiry. Superior to mundane worries of society. Humanistic concerns in science are accidental and mostly personal. Vastness of knowledge can be humbling but the system is not driving social change nor aiming a better society -by implication maybe. It is social neutral as much as value neutral. So, ironically science needs egalitarian value system and open mind to sustain but is mostly isolated from social reality. So is the case of technologists but implication of technology on society is cataclysmic.

Technology is application of science for mass consumption. By its very nature it is meant to reach remotest and make the most isolated and vulnerable access the world. The initial stage of technology is always feudal, manipulated by few for greed and gains. As the technology spreads it reaches a saturation stage -commonplace essential, and that is when the real impact of technology as potent means of social change felt. From slow spreading printing press to fast connecting smart phone it brings in a new paradigm of social change through changing minds instead of social physical involvements. A person is virtually exposed to possibilities that were not even conceivable. Once the initial excitement of technology settles it gets to the responsibility of these possibilities. The freedom seeks more awareness of the world. The diversity of ideas, cultures and regions opens to understanding, subconsciously mind is priming for change. It necessarily leads to self-reflection, evolving and associating to better ideas and possibilities. This is the greatest instigator of social change than what was ever possible. It has potential to uproot ossified feudal structures and juvenile control of religion. Atomized awareness reverberates into synchronous collective of better world. Answer to manipulation is more technology, more transparency and more awareness, with a foundation of quality education. Significant social changes have happened in last two decade than in last many centuries. We are still in flux and once the new technology saturates change is expected to consolidate into something better. Each human will access their uniqueness and work the potential herein and connect to wider world. If swarm intelligence could achieve such brilliant feat imagine swarm of each unique intelligence synchronizing into a whole. Imagine that!     

**Thanks to technology I can access anything, anywhere, anytime. And so, I was reading Ursula Le Guin. Le Guin, I am embarrassed to admit, is a late involvement. I love scifi and IsaacAsimov, ArthurClark, HG Wells, PhillipDick many more were my staple, wasn’t much aware of LeGuin. To bracket her as SciFi writer is not doing justice, her concern was using scifi framework to question contemporary social context and philosophical inquiry. Landscape and technology can change but some questions are persistent, here she immerses her charming stories into an entirely different social context to eviscerate contemporary concerns, scifi is an accidental construct. I am reading ‘The Dispossessed’ that explores capitalism, utopia, collectivism so on (I have read poems influenced by Taoism. Taoism, as is the case with Buddhism, is something I too find interesting). ‘The One Who Walks Away from Omelas’ explores the trolley problem ethics, not participating (wu wei -non action) is an option of powerful statement. I haven’t read much but yes ‘The Left Hand of Darkness’ has an interesting premise of fictional planet of human with no fixed sex, exploring themes of gender and sexuality. This in an overtly sexualized and gender determined world. I was reading ‘Dreams Must Explain Themselves’, collection of essays. ‘Introducing Myself’ is a hilarious piece about no reference to ‘her’ in mainstream discourse or reporting. The gender is assumed to be him. “If we have anything to learn from politicians it’s that details don’t matter. I am a man, and I want you to believe and accept this as a fact, as I did for many years”… “Women are a very recent invention. I predate the invention of women by decades. Well, if you insist on pedantic accuracy, women have been invented several times in widely varying localities, but the inventors just didn’t know how to sell the product. Their distribution technique were rudimentary and their market research was nil, and so ofcourse the contempt just didn’t go off the ground. Even with a genius behind it an invention has to find its market, and it seemed like for a long time the idea of women just didn’t make it to the bottom line. Models like the Austen and the Bronte were too complicated, and people just laughed at the Suffragette, and Wolfe was way too far ahead of its time”. “So when I was born, there actually were only men. People were men. They all had one pronoun, his pronoun; so that’s who I am. I am the generic he, as in, ‘If anybody needs an abortion he will have to go to another state’, or ‘A writer knows which side of his bread is buttered on’. That’s me, the writer, him. I am a man.”