Friday, October 04, 2024

Monetizing desperation


Primitive societies work on control. Desperation of common people is a potent site for control. Religion is an effective means to capitalize and systematically create followers to assuage desperation and tag it to other worldly cause. They actively create narration of heaven and hell, blessing and fate, to capitalize desperation into morals as control. As humanity progress -thanks to very few spaces around the world that placed systems for nurturing some brilliant empathetic people while much of world remained barbarians, education as consolidation of best of thoughts and ideas from across the world presented a significant means to progress as a human in a free society. Meanwhile awareness creates spiritual meditative space and provide enlightened means to face existential absurdity and everyday gratitude. Associating these wholesome humans create synergic progressive society and diversity of possibility…Well things haven’t really worked out that way. Possibilities of liberty and freedom has created much insecurity in minds incapacitated to value life. Medieval primitive systems are nurtured and consolidated by devious forces capitalizing on people’s insecurities. Feudal structures, while severely degrade democratic institutions, are cunningly presented as stabilizing presence. These too-big-to-fall inviolable chicanery consolidate argument for much sinister neoliberal structures that parasite on people and nature. Ascriptive value systems find ways to exploitative and mediocrity thriving status quo thus severely degrading society and initiating further desperation. Crony capitalism, nepotism and wanton corruption make democratic institutions and progressive values meaningless. Degraded values nurture degraded institutions which in turn foster worst of people into responsible positions thus further demeaning any possibilities of progressive ways. Desperate herd hooked to blessing as expression of authority -of power and money, easily fall for cognitive bias. Lacking critical thinking nor emotionally equipped for empathy and better possibilities of human they desperately bang their heads around to find means to please and improve fate. Desperation is carefully nurtured by sinister sadists. Authority bias actively promote what is bad for individual but good for herd. So as population balloons resources dwindle, consumption increases environment deteriorates…they are incapacitated to connect these dots. They exist disconnected to reality in desperation for more.

Cheap labor is another of neoliberal construction of wanton greed, devaluing human into their lowest possibility as discounted resource for narrow deal. In the ecosystem of greed and crave for money and power desperation is weaponized. Corporate jobs become battle ground for cheap labor and replaceable human commodity who’s ‘resources’ is now well and truly depleted for investor's pleasure and profit. Feudal values undermine democratic institutions hence nurture neoliberal vandalism preventing strict humane rules for working conditions and revaluing resources as individual humans. Compromised state is incapacitated to question narration of capitalism and dubious semantics of development and progress. The investor has to be perpetually pleased for sacredness of economic development. The meaning and intent of which nobody understands or cares while the development collapses life sustaining ecosystem and egalitarian values. Meaningless jobs and reckless systems alienate human being. Many give up, some suicide, while most morph into successful monsters that normalize exploitative narrations.