Sunday, September 29, 2024

The burning trees
Share a kinship with me
There is a network of connection that I don’t recall
It goes back to communion in ocean.
It is another kind of presence
The movement in time of different scale.
I relearn.
I can no longer pretend I cannot vandalize
Conjure the shadows
Of all the dead trees
Arrange it on the hills and valleys
And wait for miracle.  

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Need to urgently reevaluate capitalism

This is not a struggle for meaning in a neoliberal vandalized world. This also is not about alienation in a world devoid of ideological contestation or philosophical mooring. We have well passed quaint world of aesthetic nuances and liberal posturing. This is an urgent clarion call in fast changing debilitating reality of climate crisis. The life nurturing world as we know is collapsing around us. Ecosystems are losing resilience at an alarming rate. Biodiversity is vanishing. Biomass has had cataclysmic reduction. Every other day weather records are being broken across the world. We are in dire need for policy makers to attune to reality. The most significant issue that needs attention is understanding of ‘development’ and parameters that define it. We cannot have a model of progress that is eating away life (importantly words like development, progress, growth so on must mean what the definition intends). Humanity cannot be at the mercy of few corporate feudals and blackmailed for the survival of the economic system over its own survival. Influential economists must address this issue urgently and reevaluate framework of economic development and implement it at international institutions and agencies. There is a need for an international summit to reevaluate and redefine capitalism. Indeed in the context of things this seems more urgent than climate summits since it is compromised by these very concerns. This cannot go on. The elephant in the room is getting larger and is having debilitating impact on the world and is severely stretching poorer societies and vulnerable people. It is becoming a lost cause. Much of the world is incapable to respond although they may have better understanding. It is a systemic issue that has international control. It is pertinent to point here that capitalism and socialism are not mutually exclusive as is being made out to be by polarizing powerful narrations of market-controlled media particularly in low attention nurtured shallow and insular mainstream. There are solutions and sustainable interventions available. These need to be mainstreamed and synergized into policy making and institution. Too much is invested on the system, and we can still work it if it is urgently reevaluated and refined. Or else the climate catastrophe will break it down with severe consequences. We are at an unprecedented crossroad. Human beings with their flawed understanding have created systems that is leading to collapse of everything that is valued. Ticking clock is getting louder. This blip on geological time scale is facing its reckoning that universe is least bothered about. Unlike insignificant humans universe has that luxury.             

Monday, September 23, 2024


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hooliganism to the fore


It was expected that Hindutva works the benign aspect of religion -that in itself is deeply troubling context, as opposed to vandalism by Castetva forces over the decades. Castetva cleverly played on to western narration with adept working of semantics and devious posturing as liberals. West -with recent angst over colonialism, and feudal compromised Britain, desperately seeking lowest denominator for redemption reckoning found these posturers worth cultivating. Hindutva is a necessary revolt and a closer association to reality of this society, and as it is turning out to be, a deeply contaminated one lacking humanistic concern and scraping worst of religion. Nevertheless despite these serious unraveling -and cannot be isolated from what is happening across the world, it is a necessary evolution over castetva -which surely has no place as central role in society.

This astha pastha nonsense has gone too far, and has potential to severely damage the society -which in itself is primitive. Milk is produced by cows and buffaloes for its calf, definitely not for human consumption (centrality of human is an infection of most religions) so to ‘steal’ it and work it as ‘pure’ is morally flawed. So, this angst for purity is a mental illness, an infection of soul. The issue here is contamination of food. Corruption and greed sought cheaper options. And the cheaper it gets worst it becomes. And so animal fat was used. In a society with lackadaisical value system and nonexistent concern for rules life of human is cheap and is used as lessons on fate -an occasion to work brownie points for better blessing in next life, such is the deeply immoral and unethical society. The idea of vegetarian as pure is in itself flawed and spread by knucklehead squatters with narrative control. This society was never vegetarian. Hinduism was never about vegetarianism, nor are hindus vegetarian. It is the fringe sickness of purity that worked to degrade the society. Many ancient temples used to offer animal sacrifice and still do, some even serve sacrificial meat as 'prasadam' (quite common in many temple rituals in south India, infact when I was with Jaunsari tribes in Uttarakhand - who claim themselves to Panchali of Mahabharata, they sacrificed a goat at the temple top hill and distributed it to devotees). Vegetarianism is an evolved understanding, a choice, that comes with compassion which necessarily extends to every living being including humans unlike “pure vegetarianism” perpetuated by castetva cannibals as diversity and now settled into hindutva hooligans. These attempts to ask shopkeepers -who sell food and sweets, to reveal their religion is deeply troubling. The only thing that matters is whether rules are followed and food sold clears safety and hygiene standards.

Tirupati is worst demonstration of religion. These are patronized by rich and powerful and impressed upon herd hence making this ‘god’ as potent dispenser of power and money. Moral and ethics are least concern. With immoral squatters hereditarily occupying sanctum (hence authenticating caste system as also moral foundation of religion) to accepting corrupt money as gift is how these people normalize the worst. Asking devotees to pay extra money to break queue and offering VIP treatment for chosen few -that too in front of ‘god’, is how they codify morals for herd. The incapacitated bovine herd accepts these as fate. Noisy and crowded they lack contemplation of spiritual but torment of greed. To make matter worse auspicious days and timings are marked by unenlightened cunning creating extra crowd and stampede -in the mind of herd this is akin to happy hours of gods! With easy money and power by cannibalizing and fattening some even migrated to different part of the world. Inbred dimwits are arguably the most mediocre in the world but carry highest estimation of itself. This gap in expectation and reality is where the ridiculous claims and myths are vigorously worked history retrofitted. In a parallel universe a chimp with typewriter can write a bestseller -it can happen in infinite combination and permutation stretching to infinite time and space. So, an odd ball worthy is celebrated as normal outcome meanwhile the price the society has paid is immense indeed debilitated. A little recognition from anywhere in the world (the situation is pathetic) is worked to create the aura of blessing back home and inevitability of forces to acknowledge the brahmaand wisdom -that is already known by blessed and the world is yet to know, indeed such is uniqueness, that the world may even be incapable to know! So flying machines were already known and common! It had to be such is the blessedness that anything is possible! Indeed, some claim fueled by mercury -that ‘science’ will ultimately find out and acknowledge the brahmaand wisdom. Mercury vortex engine! Getting the sophisticated semantics is how knuckleheads awe, it is a lifelong ambition, indeed the only ambition hence almost always shoddy work lacking soul or competence whether spiritual, science or literature. The monkey jump was from sanskrit to english. This jump also worked as metaphor for modernity and liberal by castetva -and for many years correctness of language was definite signs of intelligence. The fact that they couldn’t even see the potential of everyday water vapour is least of humbling matter.                                  

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What is lesser evil?


This is Amber Thurman based in USA. She died of sepsis as she was denied life saving abortion care. Many women have died, many face misery. Imagine having all the modern technology and means to save life but still they are not able to do anything as patient die. This is not about USA alone, though it is shocking since they deem themselves as 'developed', across the world vulnerable people/women face brutalities of religion (more than a decade back I recall writing about Savita Halappanavar in Ireland who died of sepsis under similar circumstance Imagine the situation in poor societies where religion (Christianity in this case) creates horrible conditions of avoidable deaths and avoidable births. This is heinous and such medieval understanding has no space in civilized world.  

Pope Francis must answer. He is an influential figure and as the religious head cannot shirk responsibility. He is also responsible for these deaths and misery by nurturing this brutal crude ecosystem in the garb of religion. When critically scrutinized he is very much criminally liable. He must also explain what is lesser evil?    

Dystopian Eaarth


We have changed Earth in fundamental way. The physical feature of Earth is changing rapidly. The hospitable Earth that we know is gone. We are now on dangerous Eaarth -a dystopian reality.  We have warmed the planet, warm air holds more water vapor than cold, it rains harder and evaporate faster. With sea ice melting, the albedo, or reflectivity, of arctic changes as the mirror of white ice replaced by sun absorbing blue. Global temperature, heat wave, rainfall, landslides, forest fires…have increased dangerously. Thunderstorms, cyclones/hurricanes, lightning are more frequent and last longer. Methane chimneys are opening up rapidly heating the planet further. The great rainforests are dying. Plant yields and nutrition are falling, life giver phytoplankton are dying, species are vanishing, biomass reducing and resilience of biodiversity is falling. Oceans are acidifying, incapable to hold carbon nor sustain diverse life, coral reefs are barren. Bacteria, parasites, algae blooms flourish, water and mosquito borne diseases increase and spread. Extreme catastrophic events are leading post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and variety of phobias, and increased numbers of refugees. Add to it, warmer world is predicted to lead to more wars and discords over shared water, rivers and arable land, violent storms can even topple weak governments. The terrifying reality of end of cycle of growth that institutions are hinged on. We don’t know how to regrow rain forests, defreeze arctic, recreate ecosystems…

This is what this book eaarth: making a life on tough planet (by Bill McKibben) is dealing with, it was written almost 15years back -and that surely is life time back in fast changing world, but still is valuable. As we see climate catastrophes unfold on daily basis, and realtime vanishing of life nurturing planet, these books provide insights. As for me it really didn’t add much to the knowledge on these issues as I have kept abreast with unfolding reality and have read much of the literature and documentaries on climate catastrophe. Unlike 15years back it is criminal to be not aware of these critical matters. There are some mentions in the book that I found interesting, like for instance, this collateral of climate catastrophe in Mozambique presenting unseen unexpected complexities of changing world compounding problems for common people who really haven’t contributed anything to these disasters that is enveloping their life: “…record rains in Mozambique washed out huge quantities of land mines that were planted during brutal civil wars. People, escaping flood, swam into these fields and were killed. To make matter worse…thousands of dollars were spent to map the location of these minefields…some even washed up on local beaches around the lake. Farmers are terrified to plough their fields again because they don’t know what is under the silt”   


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Contrived narration


Narrations are controlled. Powerful control narration that is deemed to be true and mainstreamed into herds through regulated influence, communication and entertainment. In the last few years these legacy instruments of control are seriously dented by social media and platforming of grassroot voices. Despite serious misuse there is a strong element of dissemination of democracy and diversity of views. As long as facts are nearer to the truth interpretations of vibrant divergent voices matter.

Migration is constant feature in nature, and so is with humans being an indelible part of nature. National borders are quite a new understanding and seems like a recent aberration in long history of free movement. Migration of people brings fresh ideas and energy into hospitable community. The reason why there is migration to certain regions of the world is an indication of better opportunity for enhancements which in turn reflects value systems nurtured that creates better societies and space for evolved ideas, thoughts and innovation. It is not an accident that recent progress of humanity is nurtured in certain parts of the world. Much of freedom that world experiences through ideas and technologies is largely due to regions of the world nurtured by vibrant thoughts and humanistic concerns. This is not to say that there aren’t any problems but these are idealized and percolates into populace. Evolved society provides space for development, that doesn’t mean it will be utilized for better by all. Most humans by their very nature seek security of community in its lowest commonest denominator of responsibility and intellect. It is only very few who consolidate and enhance progressive thoughts and scientific thinking. Waves of immigrants from West due to famine (Ireland) and prosecution (jews) found best possibilities in USA hence contributed to its amazing progress. Sometimes society progresses so fast, essentially with free speech and technology, that much of people are stuck in past. Despite technology driven globalization last few years have seen consolidation of nationalist feelings and rising insecurity among common people. Neoliberal value systems and catastrophic impact of climate will make matter worse.

Other as enemy is easy to construct. For charlatans dividing people on myths is to divert attention from realities of poverty, corruption and existential crisis. The other is always a construct around which prejudice and worst of fear are build. Fantastical narrations of juvenile religions creates myths of grand herd obfuscating history of barbarians. Herd carry these crude identities hence ease of the other. Skin color is oldest of the other that primitives associate degrading values to demean the other. And, in societies with large migrations this other is easy to spot and construct prejudices and myths of dire. It is not to say that the other is always benign needy or carry vibrant possibilities of difference and diversity. Examples of Europe, especially feudal-values-compromised-carrying-high-estimate-of-itself Britain, shows primitive other as immigrants can severely degrade society and incite regressive revivalism and xenophobia. It is therefore responsibility of society to decide what kind of people enter and assimilate into them as also the numbers so that herd demography shift doesn’t pose the worst and impact progressive values. As societies evolve it is but natural that fertility rate reduces (barbarians, insecure and egoistic irresponsible breed like pigs), as it is human population is significant cause of deteriorating conditions across the world, serious impact on nature and debilitating pressure on other species. Neoliberal market, religion driven charlatans and cunning politicians have eternal need for breeding populace. Advancement in technology must suffice the shortage of humans in advanced societies. Cheap labor cannot be an incentive for immigration since it stands on the foundation of the other as cheap -less valued, this degrades progressive values. Democracy, liberty and freedom are cherished ideas on which progress of humanity is hinged hence cannot be bartered. These are not religion based. These are humanistic evolved ideas through best minds over centuries.            

For the very reason allowing immigrants is not religion based compassion, nor a moral right. It is a reasoned decision by state weighing in conditions and situations. Devious forces may conspire but increasing human population is never good for society, nation or earth. Ideally richer society must evolve into compassion but it must be firmly hinged on realities of state as also awareness of forces working to misuse as also need for assimilating into progressive values. Pope Francis comparison of American presidential candidates is patently dangerous and irresponsible. There is no comparison here. He need to comprehend the serious situation. Migration happens because of unequal world. It is this inequality and brutality of state and non-state that must be focus. You cannot slate immigration to compassion and balance it with brutality of denying right for abortion (also, he needs to educate himself on the meaning of assassination, really disgusted, totally unbecoming). Further, this religion-based balderdash of human life being sacred exceptional must be dealt. Capital punishment must be appropriately used in rarest of rare circumstance and cannot be given away as evolved value system. It isn’t. It is an expression of religion (that centers human life) at the expense of victim and family who faced heinous crimes and limited resource of poor society that must provide for law abiding. This ofcourse doesn’t mean eye for an eye barbarian value of another religion extreme. Religion must face logical exigencies of modern world and learn to value individual liberty or face obsolesce as nuisance. Meanwhile Pope must urgently reconsider his stand on American election and unconditionally support progressive candidate.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

well done!

...easily the matured responsible one in the debate. Should win. 

(also need to understand that this is in restricted low frame of US domestic politics and national interest chicanery. One is appalled by statements on fracking, guns, NATO etc....Meanwhile do we also get to see similar transparency in election process from increasingly influential China?)

Monday, September 09, 2024

At the horizon

It is here
Earlier than you thought
When mind is peeled out of body
With its own eye
The refracted sight shifted in new light
Magnified in weight of years
You tenderly straighten the creases
Look at your body
In schizophrenic affection and detachment
And let it merge in the glow of setting sun  

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Exceptionalism of stupidity


What was once considered embarrassment, an occasion to introspect and attempt to improve, is now seeking exceptionalism. We entered the age of stupidity. Stupid people, stupid occasions and happenings -a mischance now a norm, are watched and rewatched and connected to deeply satisfying meaning of existence of appalling. Stupidity was always present but in the sidelines deeply cognizant of its lack. With herd hunters mollycoddling herd of their special bearing presence and unique attribute as collective -that doesn’t pass any basic critically scrutiny, in a primitive society history becomes a hunting ground for obsessive narrative control. Myths and fiction replace the reality and is keenly worked to hold its say in the present and worked into bleak future. Stupidity demands no strain on the intellect and is easily swayed by glib and glitter. It helps nurture mediocrity and general ugliness all around. It thrives on quantity and is deeply suspicious of quality or anything that needs strain. Stupidity is in the comfort of laziness, easiness of dealing and confidence of assertion. It is incapable, and is no doubt incapacitated, to see beyond the veil of ignorance and self-righteous morality.              

With social media providing unbridled access stupidness, lacking any discernible skill or redeeming quality, is now a vehement choice. Being stupid is no longer an embarrassment when you are bombarded with everyday stupidity as choice that see immense gain. Attribute of self-conscious, an indelible aspect of human to be circumspect and try to create a better version, is seen as inhibition -a problem. Choosing crass and crude is an expression of self that consolidates into collective sedation and acceptance of ugliness and irresponsible. In the overwhelming presence of mediocrity and ugliness truth and beauty shrinks. An ugly public space -building, statue etc., a mediocre shoddy work, crude unruly uncouth people…all conspire against subtleties and evolved possibilities. This diminishes humanity and pushes into violence of all forms.   

With misinformation and disinformation, chaos and alienation, old world crumbling rapidly and technology intruding at breathtaking speed, the incapacity to accept complexities of meaning and absurd, the existential crave for certainty becomes urgent. Sedated unthinking mass is floating for anchor. Since responsible dealing with present needs incisive empathetic mind, and acceptance of ordinary lacking glitter or glamour or attention seeking, the insular primed in exceptionalism and grand myth of its collective becomes easy target for manipulators. Evil has logic and pattern hence can be dealt by analyzing and systematically negating. What when evil uses stupidity as its front? Stupidity by its very nature lacks logic or pattern, the crass excitable hops from one near catastrophe to new possible catastrophe. And with power to destroy world many times over we move from one precipice to another with baited breath while stupidity immune to immense urgent challenges celebrates its latest attention while the self-help industry and spiritual charlatans goad to enjoy the scene -live in the present, without any awareness or knowledge whatsoever, connect to pristine and pure stupidity!

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Hello to the world

Will the molecules recall
What held it together
Eons ago
Glad, despair, occasions weave life
The child waves at passing train
Anticipating no reciprocity
He does know the burden
That axis the tilted world
His happiness shuffled a million times
Scrolled from the beginning to the end of it all
When atoms sought alliances
And sun called the curtain

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Missed medal by a whisker. The event got over few minutes back, was rooting for her. This teenager, Sheetal Devi, is an absolute sensation. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Middle class moralism hops out of woodwork


Kerala surely is scenic, despite high density of population and not very agreeable people, the greenery is soothing. The reason why I prefer Goa since it is a much refined version of Kerala -very likely because Goa had violent past that also led to severe break down of regressive value system and later impetus of international tourism as also vicinity to mega cities like Mumbai, and relatively sparse population, created a fairly open society. Sequestered between mountains and ocean Kerala assimilated outside influences into its regressive clutch. An incorrigible provincial mind despite constant exposure to outside world. A materialistic consumerist society even evaluated literacy into its utilitarian fold. I have rarely seen such desperation for wealth from materially comfortable people, a pathological insecurity of souls that is in constant dread of how they are being evaluated by equally depraved other -the society. Arrogance, ego, pride, pettiness are defining factor of human relations while simultaneous hallucination of grander version of themselves that the world is in awe of. The complexities of pathetic is to be lived to understand. Except for my college days I really haven’t spent much time in Kerala, I never really was comfortable in this oppressive place. Possibilities of Communism and Christianity have well passed its utility -the Kerala model, and now is a mask of ridicule that cannot hide grim reality. Hinduism and Islam rarely contributed anything of value except these versions of competitive regressive grand that is now a sickness, an increasingly violent sickness that has enthusiastic participation from communists and crude christian revivalist moralism. Best of ideas have found the worst of possibilities (here I am not referring to creative expressions of music, art and colours -contribution of religions is significant but has reached lifeless impasse). Language binds but literature is still wanting and withers into appalling standards of newspapers and mass publication with futile expectation to carry atleast some minimum creative humanistic subtlety from long exposure to literate society. It is an extended middle class lacking vibrant intelligentsia or sophistication, the best is always in fringe and seen as threat. The size of their house, money in bank, level of literacy, may vary but what rivets them is same, they watch the same thing, eat the same stuff, talk the same and dream, crave, the same. It is as if benefits of material comfort, tremendous possibilities of education and subtleties of life have bypassed them. An extended needy puritanical middle-class moralism assimilated through worst possibilities of religions, lacking any cosmopolitan glimmer despite material richness, astounding natural sights, confluence of religions/philosophies and uncommon social development. This society is caught dead flaking itself to find its soul. 

Entertainment is extension of this limited worldview. For last many decades they entertained the herd into grander versions of themselves in sickening patriarchy and depraved traditions, pandering to the middle-class oppressive moralism and normalizing brute violent patriarchs as saviors. Lacking crude flashiness that is seen among crass - in other part of the country, they produced compelling movies that consolidated middle class moralism in its persuasive everyday narration. Not denying there were rare flashes of brilliance but overwhelming patriarchal cannibalistic concerns crested the deal with dangerous outcome for wellbeing of society and needs of responsible humans. In the recent times lots of malayalam movies have taken up progressive themes but is still shackled in deeply dehumanizing degraded social reality hinged to appalling past. The aftermath of Hema commission (that ofcourse has initiated well-meaning soul searching, and yes guilty must be punished starting with exemplary speedy punishment to blatant heinous crime allegedly orchestrated by an actor on an actress) has unleashed worst of people in the social media who really don’t understand value of freedom. Poking sarcastic malayalee primed in middle class moralism morphs into deranged regurgitator spewing venom. They have come out of woodwork in hordes satisfying the primal urge to watch the rich and famous tumble. In this fall is collective resurrection of middle-class moralism of mediocres and essential defining characteristics of gleeful primitives. Malayalam film has nobody to blame but itself. They nurtured the slime. Fat slimy chickens have now come home to roost. Rule of law must catch these chickens and tandoor them.

   *When I was in college we had college fest, and as is the case there was dancing and crap. Newspaper (ofcourse MalayalaManorama -repository of depravities) took it up in a big way and reported it as immorality of college students, the defining word was “koothattam’ -meaning drunk dancing -hence breakdown of social order! This was my early brush with sophistication of middle class semantics. There are trigger words for middle class morality that easily seep and grip the psyche of listener, the meaningful nod is an indication from the recipient of full import with all the seen and unseen contexts. This deluge of trigger words is what is seen in social media in last few days. These are shared and liked as middle class self righteous puritan muck seeks redemption.    


Sunday, August 25, 2024

The sickness


This collage of pictures is in one km radius. I took these on my evening walk, and this could be any random place. This deranged obsession for white is reflection of a deeper sickness. It is also connected to infection of purity. It has created land of ‘fair and lovely’ where bunch of few hundred white people from faraway land could easily colonize and exploit for more than a century while the nincompoops supplicated and try to match colonizers to appear civilized. They aspired and identified with colonizers than with common people or any ethical value system. To assume that white skin has nothing to do with it is a big mistake. This sick society saw them as natural rulers while obsequiously arranging themselves around it and valorously compete for attention. It was quite easy for colonizers to feed the ego and help create narration of valor. History, myths, reality…everything was manipulated to control the herd, there really was nothing else that occupied the minds of inbred mediocres. With no sense of history or facts they try to fill in myths of grandeur, as moral arbitrators to the world and intelligence that is yet to be understood. Such is the sense of entitlement that unfortunately doesn’t match the sparse miserable reality hence this full-time occupation to fill in the gaps by weaving grand stories and selective valuation of present. It is a society where the least of talent or any redeeming human quality strut around as god's gift. 

White people in West have taken the burden of racism -which they brutally perpetuated, but much of the world is racist in varying degrees of brutality. South Asians when they are in West -essentially gained from feudal system, whine about racism against browns but nowhere I have seen shops referred to as brown hotels or brown homes, nor black homes or black lodge. Ofcourse, english language has embedded racism hence dark is valuated as sinister while white as fair but that doesn’t and cannot exonerate local racism and value systems that nurture these. Forget humans even animals are not spared. We are aware of white cows in north India, in here, elephant that are kept as props for degrading rituals are evaluated on whiteness! Imagine the sickness. They have worked features of magnificence and white being important marker in an essentially dark-skinned region -indeed the same had much sympathy towards white people hence evaluated higher hierarchy. The dark magnificent creature is not only exploited but has been assigned hierarchy on the level of whiteness! It’s a deeply flawed society.

Worst of these are noted in Tamil Nadu –a region that had much potential and was attuned to face realities of medieval times and thrived into east Asia, and how sinister forces worked to undermine egalitarian movements and reduced it into caste cesspool. Tamil movies had a major role in this degradation. Meanwhile Hema Commission has opened pandora's box in Malayalam film industry- they make relatively better movies but overall amazing level of mediocrity while pandering to social morass, regressive ways, feudal references nurtured as valued identity while patriarchy morph into modern as sexist fun. What is seriously problematic is the story and intention, incapacitated to face pathetic reality it hinges on mythical grandeur and crude expressions, ofcourse in recent times there is marginal shift -as people access better entertainment options, but still is overwhelmingly degraded. The idea of entertainment as complex and elevating is rarely understood and appreciated in primitive society. It always falls back on lowest commonest denominator and in Indian case it really is a pit. It is a sexist world no doubt, there are exploitations but allegations cannot be taken on face value. In the overwhelming attention seeking value system, where everything is seen as opportunity for branding, an actress making allegations cannot be put on high pedestal, also the social context of exceptionalism and entitlement that is nurtured cannot be negated. Assault is a legal matter and must be dealt accordingly and not in the realm of wild speculations as entertainment. Two factors become paramount; one is whether there is pattern of allegations -that is multiple instances blaming a person, is a serious matter. Hence one-off incident, maybe serious, must be understood in the context -chance of fictitious cannot be ruled out. Also, in a profession where physical involvement is common everything is subjective, and in Indian context situation is complex. The idea that women cannot be perpetrators doesn't stand the scrutiny of cannibalistic society. Also, there are lots of low talent manipulators trying to gain attention in high stake money churning glamour world. Attention is branding. Director Ranjit (who is extremely talented and widely respected) being treated like this is deeply disconcerting and doesn’t augur well. Voyeurs and hooters are having field day, tarnishing lives and muddling issue is not how you deal. Secondly, serious allegations of rape and child molestation must be dealt strictly (the actor against whom grave allegation of orchestrating assault is still able to act in movies while process of justice languishes is a sick joke on society). How are some able to control the system in their favour must be scrutinized. Is the film industry under the control of exploitative cartel? Hopefully these are unraveled and guilty punished. WCC has done remarkable work.

The pertinent questions also are: What are the kinds of movies that get made, what are the value system they are espousing and authenticating, on what basis people are chosen to be artists? Who are these people who decide these? Who or what are they representing? In most cases lacking basic training anyone can become an actor (not all but in most cases) what are the parameters on which they are given the role? What is the caliber an outside artist -who cannot even understand the language, bringing that is not found in this region? What is the process and markers of casting for a role? Is it not perpetuating prejudices and primitive ways in a degraded society? Are these movies aiming progressive ways or nurturing and authenticating primitive values? 
PK Rosy was the first Malayalam actress and instead of celebrating her they threatened her with assault and lynching. She had to flee the state and live in anonymity and poverty. Such is the foundation of this degraded entertainment industry. What makes it grievous is that she is completely forgotten and no attempts made to reinstate her memory and rectify grave intrusion on a human being least an artist. Though some actions are seen in recent times but nothing short of public apology by state and assigning best actress state award in her name will suffice. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Hoopoe’s fanfare coda 

Every day, every hour, every moment 
the biophonic orchestra of life
Symphony loses its players
in great rapidity
some vacate, some exit, some ponder
Songbird lower the flute
Crickets die out too early for choir
Elephant trumpet misses the cue
Frogs drop their brass call
Stag beetle bongo drums out of tune
Gorilla beat is now a plea
Walrus trombone a lament
Spix macaw exit
so does the Western Black Rhinoceros
and Golden Toad
and Pinta giant Tortoise…
others are queueing in a hurry
Cacophony of anthropophonic invade the liminal space
Amputated forest, uprooted trees
Unanswered bereft palindrome of wild calls

My eyes disappear into flowing river
I search for lost Hoopoe’s fanfare
In my childhood memory    


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Lackadaisical system, scyophantic theatrics and britishery

Watch this

This is what I commented on the above video in the site. This in the aftermath of brutal rape murder in Kolkata. So, after brutal crime facilitated by horrible social values, insensitive police -there were cases against him on brutalities committed, appalling lack that led to his recruitment in sensitive role, apathy of hospital administration, worst of possibilities facilitated by system that led to heinous crime, and then in the aftermath criminal 'conspiracy' and worst of people, political posturing, hooligans unleashed to scuttle the matter, media drama ...and now the sterling performance at the Court. Quite tired of these incorrigible buffoons while common people are exploited. 

"it's an absolute travesty on people of this country that apart from lackadaisical systems that they endure on daily basis now we see judges referred to as lordship, reeks of obsequious drawl. These ridiculous theatrics of british value system (britishery) further burdens what essentially is feudal primitive society (also note little details like difference in size of chairs -these crude nuances are passed on to common people/sycophants as reference of power display and hierarchy details cringe). Be professional and cut the nonsense. Refer to him as Mr. Chandrachud or a curt Sir or Mr. or Shri or something neutral without regressive context. They are not f*cking lords, they are appointed to arbitrate justice by carefully studying and evaluating facts (and yes we are also not interested in their unsolicited regressive views on matters which they are least competent). Also, look at the 'celebrity' lawyers who are paid ransom -that in itself is criminal, creating ruckus instead of working to get to the truth of the matter (also, unethically using his/her position to barter for position like RS member/minister). Disgraceful"

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Iridium story

We can if we want to
Knit rainbows into pattern
Arrange it across the garden
And wait for asteroids
To bring amino acids and water
And some iridium
To shape life
With iridium head and iridium legs
And tell iridium stories of faraway galaxies

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Prosaic is now sacred


Life expresses. Every life is an expression of wonders and experiences of millions of years of evolution. Life incessantly adapts to its existential reality and relentlessly strives to survive. Survival calls for peak commitment and acute awareness of reality and all the nuances it exhibits; it cannot be substandard or lackadaisical involvement. Substantial part of specie's survival gets imprinted onto DNA and is shared for better say in life while epigenetics gives the maneuvering space for emerging reality. In this struggle for survival, we see finest expressions of life eminently amenable to its ecosystem whether it is the splendid colours of flowers, supreme skills of bats or exquisite baya weaver nests. Life rarely indulges in futilities of competition or extremes of actions but invests in mutualism and sharing to optimize resources and effectively deal with the complexities present. The improbable life syncs with forces of nature to survive and thrive in the midst of cataclysmic chaos. It is a miracle.   

It is humans (the post-agriculture Homo sapiens) who have created a paradigm shift of life as indulgence and not mere survival. These spiraled into amazing artistic expressions and astonishing understanding of science through laws of nature. The benefits accrued led to luxuries and opportunities to invest time to investigate and understand better. The flip side here is -that is becoming dangerously apparent, very few humans carry this burden of existence that are indeed instrumental in human progress and amazing expressions while most become parasites wallowing in excess and laziness while some detach into postmodern (excellent theoretical inquiry -deconstructing power, but leaves chaos of relativism that instrument neoliberal grab landing into alternative truth -overwhelming simulated reality of virtual) nihilism. These majority increasingly lack connection with reality and use of critical thinking faculties (herd) create  delusions and low standards of arbitration taking humanity further down the sinkhole. Ideals of liberty and freedom becomes captive to degraded expressions and juvenile assertion, they infect democratic institutions. Hence, we have this dichotomy of amazing progress and some brilliant people juxtaposed and normalized with majority of indulgent self-assured unthinking entitled wastrels.

It seems sky is the limit if you have intention, and that intention is only thing that matters! And we have all the means and wherewithal to express that intention. Lethargic system has normalized indulgences to basic, it is porn of existence -you show what you have and we watch. It is a primal arrangement to keep everybody happy in what they are without any encouragement or questioning. Audience, consumers, voters, followers, are cheerleaders of collective minimum, the crude mass. It is a framework that pretends you to be esteemed part hence thrive in crass. They survive on lowest denominator of exchange and reduce everything to its level. Genuine grievances and discriminations are now barter to tolerate mediocrities (we witnessed realtime deconstruction and appropriation of valued 'woke' to mob) while vandalism is valued as self-expression. Ridiculous and appalling have significant space in expanding scale of tolerance that scars sensibilities into submission to the mediocre and irresponsible. Prosaic is now sacred in all its perversity. You are what you are is a great foundational value but a joke if it is kept at that (I am here see me what I do today). What is missing in this crucial gap between intention and expression is skills -that needs years of dedications as also recognizing one’s potential, and crucially, limitations. Each specie has mastered its habitat to survive and thrive, it needs absolute awareness of habitat, as also, which of its sense to skill to increase probability of survival and mutually benefit the specie -to increase the diversity so as to contribute to the resilience of the system. That is how nature works and what is forgotten is humans are very much part of nature. Though human life is no longer confined to survival the template of expression remains the same.

Education is important to understand, to be aware, of all the possibilities of existence. It makes us discerning ethical individuals. The reason why varied subjects of study and expressions makes a vibrant human and a resilient society. Quality education and nurturing society leads to awareness of one’s indelible presence hence exploring possibilities and likely skills to express or indeed not express. An evolved society makes these accessible to young and to everyone. Internet has broadened the idea of society and reduced what is global hence multifold the possibilities. So, can I be a Simone Biles or a Dirac or a Chekhov? It is a wrong question. You can be what you want to be and what you don’t want to be, and indeed not to fall in this limited binary of mainstream expression of toxic success and failure. There are things valued that is not expressed and need to be expressed, and yes there maybe things we don’t even know about and could be significant expression in future (we really don’t know whether what is expressed is the only way to define or not define meaning of life). What cannot be denied and need to be understood is that the dedication to acquire skills, and having acquired the basic skills, whether you have the wherewithal to chisel it to brilliance, to make your indelible presence and stretch the human experience. And for that you have to diligently study the masters in their areas of competence and acquire necessary skills and expertise, explore and excel in your reality and add your unique presence. It also a collective effort and responsibility to retrieve humanity from hallucination -hyperreality, that create worst of possibilities, the overwhelming morass of hedonist opulent slush submerging any reality of redeeming value.                                        

Monday, August 12, 2024

Volatile situation and merchants of death and chaos


Bangladesh situation is still quite volatile, hopefully it is normalized and democratic institutions are consolidated. There are different versions of what is happening in Bangladesh, there is a narration for public consumption that is drumbeated by bidders and then there are sinister forces orchestrating from faraway places for strategic gains, opportunism to consolidate power, personal gains from war and mayhem or indeed sadistic pleasure -nothing really can be ruled out we live in a nasty world. These sinister forces have no value for democracy nor human life (indeed life of common people in many parts of the world have no real value in narration of strategy). There are clear evidences that Sheikh Hasina had acquired authoritarian tendencies and undermined democratic institutions, her unbecoming was playing narrow partisan politics leading to shooting of hundreds of protestors -that indicated inevitable end of her authority. That doesn’t however justify violent eviction unless there are larger forces at work. As mentioned earlier there are bigger forces at play, for them every part of the world is scheme for control. Sheikh Hasina blames US -a sinister plan to set up base, while many experts on these matter point to China and ofcourse Pakistan (from which Bangladesh bifurcated) and network of Islamists -who have found safe havens in west and are constant source of degradation all across the world. We will never know the truth, we really don’t know what are credible sources since all are compromised and working on opportunism while stampeding to control the narration for bidders meanwhile social media is filled with conspiracy, sarcasm and personal abuse. Meanwhile common people caught on the wrong side brutalized, democratic institutions undermined while charlatans pose as saviors meanwhile hoping the situation to deteriorate -a well-trodden template.

What cannot be tolerated is inflammatory assertions by socalled leaders in India. Having lost power many are smarting in the sidelines to get relevance and claw back positions which they firmly believe as entitlement. Castetva forces promoted these wastrels as leaders as they were least threatening, and hence, valued for sycophancy (a template that easily infects Indians -from personal god to leader as personal deity), lacking charisma or any redeemable connection with Indian reality they expertise in manipulation, and as trained infighting crabs, to get attention from powerful for survival. They see every event as an occasion for oneupmanship to impress, unhinged by lack of power they are crossing line and entering into anarchism that pose threat to democratic institutions and integrity of nation. Any grievance can be dealt through institutional mechanisms -if they are tardy or compromised then you are equally responsible -we common people are facing these for decades (millions of public money was spent on commissions to functionally upgrade institutions, reports languish in dusty corridors of chaltha hai/paklaam chicanery). Wasted sidelined low intellect “leaders” can rant while sensation seeking market media can work narration of doom to hook herd. These can be ignored for theatrics but any statement by person holding responsible positions that actively pushes anarchy must be severely dealt under the rule of law.

Thursday, August 08, 2024


Wisps of dark clouds
Chart across the blue sky for all to read
Relentless ocean wail and whisper
Alphabets of wound to caution great calamity
They congregate on the hills
And scream all night   

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Must face rule of law


Hopefully Bangladesh is able to sort out from the spiraling crisis and stabilize. There are hopeful signs. There is also need for transparency on how outside forces are trying to manipulate the crisis. Hopefully situation returns back to normal. Meanwhile Sheikh Hasina must face rule of law, a fair trial arbitrated by international agency (if need be, for transparency and fairness). India must stand with people of Bangladesh in its efforts for consolidation of democracy and justice, hence should extend full cooperation and shouldn’t be seen as negative influence in this crucial juncture. The longer she stays in India more it is a liability, as an immediate neighbor with high stakes sharing a long sensitive border and much of history India shouldn’t be seen as interfering. She could choose a neutral faraway country until situation cools down and normalcy restored.     

Monday, August 05, 2024

Bangladesh at the brink


India has serious problems, but one will consider oneself to be fortunate to be born in this relatively peaceful part of the world, enjoying much freedom, considering how tumultuous neighborhood of India is; with dangerous expansionist authoritarian China, Army controlled islamist nurturing fragile democracy in Pakistan, Islamist barbarian Taliban ruled Afghanistan (though doesn’t share immediate border but quite close for comfort), brutal military junta of Myanmar, perpetually politically unstable Nepal, relatively stable Srilanka with hoary recent past…Bangladesh was a peaceful nation with functioning democracy. One common factor in this densely populated region of Indian subcontinent is complacent entitled ruling class characterized by feudal ways. Disparities are institutionalized, they pit people against each other to distract and manipulate to extend their rule and influence meanwhile institutions are degraded for status quo benefits. Most of the problems can be traced to this value system that prevents percolation of democracy. Freedom becomes pernicious idea as aware people are seen as threat. Slowly desperate people consolidate to revolt against the system that is making democracy meaningless and doesn’t add much value to their life. It is generally the protesting youth who are able to channelize their genuine grievances, and very soon it is taken over by sinister opportunist forces, and if democracy is fragile then the Army stakes it claim -as they are powerful and organized to easily fill the vacuum, or else if the herd are controlled by sinister religions (more organized worst are possibilities) then you can expect further degradation. We have seen the textbook case in Egypt. Popular egalitarian movement against dictator was hijacked by religion which in turn was quashed by Army -as agent of progressive but essentially blackmailing the society. Pakistan and Myanmar are examples of army and religion sharing and consolidating their power, this consolidated power is easy to control by sinister outside forces who really don’t give much damn about common people except maybe by activating some NGOs to bleat and make necessary noise. As in the case of Balkans where bigger forces like US and Russia are playing proxy war by fueling regional conflicts Indian subcontinent is fast becoming an arena of increasingly dangerous expansionist authoritarian China and sidelined US. Weakening US is a danger to world since democracies are fragile and needs support. China lacks value system that favors humanitarian concern. US too has its selfish concerns but atleast there is semblance of democracy and is relatively free and open hence can be challenged on human rights and ethics and is indeed responsive unlike authoritarian China. US has vibrant civil society who are genuinely concerned and enjoy all freedom and rights unlike sinister ways of China. World should be concerned about growth of China. Should China be allowed access to latest technologies that could be misused and carry serious ramifications for humanity? Democracy is not a choice it is essential for every human on this planet. The value of human being is cherished by freedom. Expansionist China has no pretension of democracy nor any concern for human rights. This in many ways seems similar to colonial forces and US involvements across the world during much of 20th century. But there is a qualitative difference with China as there are no pretentions whatsoever (as also closed authoritarian regime that severely restricts and abuses its own citizens), and that is a significant degradation and a scary prospect for the world.

Complacent entitled leaders in Bangladesh tried to divide youngsters by favoring few to consolidate their ideology. They were incapacitated to perceive the desperation of common people particularly the young as they unleashed brutal crackdown. Reserving seats is expression of feudal value system, and to expand it arbitrarily for political gain is amazingly short sighted. Quota is against open access to opportunity. Instead of easy measures to divide and gain a mature system would focus to ameliorate root cause and assuage people by taking logical compassion driven measures (it is quite possible that India could see widespread outburst against reservations -that is also seen as increasingly corrupted and made meaningless by lack of target and misused by consolidations, that is being used by sinister forces for divide and gain at the expense of people. Castetva forces are evil, and have cannibalised Indian society for decades. Beware). When PM Sheikh Hasina cut short her visit from China few days back there were clear indications that something was seriously amiss and that the sinister forces have used student's protests to gain control, very likely with outside agencies working to capitalize and control. This poverty ridden nation with large population and high density severely threatened by climate change is in increasing consolidation of Islamist network. This doesn’t augur well for the stability of the region at all. What remains to be seen is whether Army consolidates progressive forces and arbitrates to consolidate democracy or is it going to degrade democratic institutions by nurturing islamists and controlling power. Bangladeshis are much vibrant people and carry passion of revolutionary Bengalis, and so will they be controlled by regressive forces or will they fight to gain control needs to watched. Considering endemic poverty and desperation the system is loaded against them.                    

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Bob Beamon declares it open


So, the exciting field events have started. It’s about running fast, jumping high, throw farther…there is no complication here you have to run fast, jump high, throw farther…that anyone anywhere in the world with an intact human body is capable of, and that is what makes it so riveting. It is what we are. Athletics is closest to what it means to be human being, the remarkable capacity of physical body. All sports are expression of human body but athletics is accessible to all. There is a primal connection with each viewer, it is a link that reminds of our resilience and thousands of years of journey of survival overcoming brutal forces of nature. Progress of sapiens is very much about intricate brain that freed mind from body to think, but feats of human body cannot be undermined, quite appropriately Bob Beamon led the scene.

It is amazing to watch the best of people express possibilities of body.  At the pinnacle of sport, the binary of winning and losing doesn’t make any sense and really doesn’t matter. The difference between the top few is quite insignificant. If you have done your best, you have done well. This doesn’t mean it is not about participation. You have to perform to your best. Which means best has to be good enough and an expression of collective possibility of human body through strive and excellence in chosen field. People finishing too far from the best are in the wrong place. Watching those in the zone pushing the boundary of possibility is a pleasure to watch. It is amazingly beautiful. I was watching Simone Miles. There was a glitch in the uneven bar, bend knees -just shows human frailty despite amazing capacity, and she slipped in ranking but covered with astounding floor routine (it was anything but routine). Though Andrade and Lee, and few more, were equally good, Miles stood out -she I believe like Beaman, Phelps, Bolt…is once in a lifetime talent. Pushing possibilities, a notch up, for humanity to catch, making the impossible normal, same when a precocious human took a bipedal step, sowed first wild seed to grow food, bold enough to look up at the stars to see a pattern and try to use his/her critical faculties to access speck of vast reality, to see rising water vapor and wonder the possibilities of energy that could drive tons of weight, with searing power of imagination and delicate choice of words “A moment -we uncertain step For the newness of night -Then fit our Vision to the Dark…” shifted the world a little. There are few people who stretch human imagination. Essentially these are not few they are many who work to create framework for this possibility, it's incremental mostly but once in a while, like a mutation, a leap is taken into the unknown for the world to cling to new possibility. So, to class it into binary of winning and losing is futile. It is a celebration of possibilities.

Researchers and epidemiologists have pointed to certain regions in the world for new type of viruses and bacteria to evolve and cross over to human to trigger pandemic. There are some defining characteristic to the region, significant being presence of high diversity and intense channels of exchange of microorganisms. These lead to new possibilities of microorganism to evolve and spread fast, sometimes leading to such evolution that completely break human immune system. These regions are vibrant with possibilities of new. I vaguely recall while reading Pearl Buck (I picked from pavement sale) there was mention on regions in the world with possibilities of new ideas and talent. A region with diversity, essential openness to thoughts and ideas, and bizarre, these are essential to abstract pathbreaking novel. Diversity is important ingredient, not the degrading insipid diversity of religion nor status quo stale traditions (or the cesspool diversity normalized by word defecating vermins) but vibrancy of thoughts from different races, regions, of world carrying fresh experiences, new vitality of culture and understanding, and assimilating and creating new possibilities. Such regions are treasured places for humanity. From ancient times (whether Egypt or Greece, buddhist centers from India to China to East Asia) to medieval times (in Europe like Vienna or later Paris) to modern (earlier London to later NewYork), to point few centers that created such spaces. Libraries did reduce the distance and time, but it is internet that made space and time meaningless, it has consolidated collective human mind. The reason why humanity is living in high possibility of new that was never possible. Novel ideas, original thoughts, unique creative expressions, travels and ricochets across the world instantly entering more number of minds than ever before. This with AI -like Alphafold, makes it accessible to anyone anywhere across the world to take it up. Truly amazing.  

**some Indians too have done exceedingly well particularly in shooting, archery and badminton, they may not have converted into medals but are in the zone of excellence, they gave their best and did well, that is what matters. Some faltered not in talent but psychological pressure -which unlike other region of the world carries aspiration of more than billion beleaguered people, so the competitors from China or Korea or US or Australia (to whom they generally lose) have no such mental pressure whatsoever. In this context the performance Manu Bhaker is stupendous, this youngster won two bronze and narrowly missed third. To put it in perspective only two decades back India could manage only one bronze in the entire game! Also note, most Indian participants come from extremely humble background so the expectation from these youngsters must be extraordinarily. Even after performing well, take for instance VijayKumar (silver medal at London Olympics), they are swiftly sidelined by mediocrity thriving careless system. The despicables in cash fattened Indian army found him wanting. Ideally Neeraj Chopra should show middle finger to Indian Army and quit. He may not realize that he has done more to Indian army than they can ever possibly redeem, it is well past emotional gratitude trap (Also, NDRF must have complete control of disaster management and rescue, and is upgraded into separate force, Army is meant to protect border and not to play savior during floods/landslide). 

Also note that this is an overwhelmingly mediocrity thriving society -that is kept in the stranglehold of absolute wastrels as moral arbitrators and nurturers of value system. As sports and awareness percolates and stranglehold loosens talent will find ways to showcase. But the sinister control finds its expression under the garb of media (arguable one the worst and most irresponsible media in the world, lacking talent, sensibility or vigor. Worst are found in other parts of the world too but they also have essential pool of talent. In India best is always rare and exception, and a threat to mediocres and will be squashed at the earliest occasion). Take this news of Simone Miles winning gold in Olympics (more than winning gold, it is the valuable moment in history of a special talent). This is the heading (pic herein). The necklace made of 546 diamonds -with picture, winning gold medal is secondary, ofcourse even Simone Miles is peripheral to diamonds! Imagine these people. The degraded minds at work. They channelize it for the herd to percolate the value system. These mediocres were controlling the narration for decades, now thankfully increasingly weakened by social media. They though do have some influence over herd manipulating career politicians and cheap attention seekers. They seek special privileges as fourth pillar of democracy!         

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Trees kill people!


This is the conclusion of pretentious mediocre legacy media in the aftermath of major landslide that killed around 200-the fatalities keep rising as many are missing, injured hundreds and left thousands bereaved and cataclysmically changed their life. To make such appalling statements in the midst of human tragedy adds to ridicule gravity of crisis and meant to mock people by entitled insular primitives posing as media. To be fair the intention was to ridicule MadhavGadgil report -as they have persistently done for last many years, it was preemptive attempt as the report gains credence among people facing the fury of nature. A well-fed neoliberal lobby is working to feed the greed, as also tighten their sinister influence over self-serving insidious narration. This christian controlled media is quite influential in Kerala as it runs many milch outlets and has a significant control over narration -which ofcourse is weakening with rise of social media. They have major role in degradation of Kerala into cesspool of pathetic, and its incapacity to capitalize literacy into education, meanwhile also effectively using ‘minority’ status to play liberal-secular savior with easy mix of wanton consumerism that pitiable people are addicted to. Also recall that Church was very much against MadhavGadgil report and were central to orchestrated protests. It is but natural that primal connection with media will be displayed.

Subjectfying reality is the first assault on fact, in the aftermath of tragedy, the chaos, desperation, the reality is fluid, when raw emotions is seeking reasons and assuredness. This is the right occasion to murky the scene before the narration gets consolidated, rest is easy since herd lacks critical thinking. They very conveniently use nutcases in social media to create suitable narration. With wide spectrum of nutcases, bizarre and ridiculous thriving in social media you can easily select and connect few to patch up narration you prefer and create news for herd to consume. It is a compelling con work (visit to read Under ‘Environment news’ -meaning not that important a subsection of main news, even after major disaster they have admirably kept the silos intact, so the deaths are environmental deaths(!), that would keep sacred silos like economy, politics, neoliberal capitalisms, development etc. pristine pure. The article is under clickbait quote of Madhav Gadgil, so the readers may think Gadgil was right and would go for the details, it’s a trap, the article is a hit job to ridicule Gadgil using shoulder of nutcases in social media (it’s recurrent pattern these days to create bizarre ‘news’ to keep herd occupied in muck). Dismissing Gadgil it says “global temperature rise leading to climate change is the reason for landslide and it has nothing to do with destruction of Western ghats”, an amazing argument that is being validated as news by influential regrettable legacy media. The argument runs parallel to fossil fuel guzzling horrible people from US to Arabia -entitled with disease of exceptionalism, who dismiss climate change and position these as subjective argument, debatable, and were indeed quite successful in feeding influential media outlets across the world till recently, even undermining compelling scientific studies and overwhelming consensus by scientists across the world. The increasing vehemence of indigenous and vociferous voices of youth, as also increasing climate disasters, shifted the ‘debate’, and has nothing to do with media ethics. So now the cunning is shifting the narration: what can we do “these are international problems” -the blame is shifted somewhere else to support exploitation of the region by the powerful through compliant corrupt system. The argument is extended meticulously in scientific tone (which I translate from original Malayalam, while I wonder whether these are random nutcase from social media, isn't there a deeper force working?) “as the temperature of Arabian sea increases, rate of cloud formation increases, and these move to Kerala and are prevented by Western ghats and hence lead to deluge and cloudbursts. Earth cannot absorb such surge of rainwater hence it is released as flood hence landslide”. There is a condescending tone, ‘this is not a new understanding, it is something we have learned in school”, so we don’t fancy experts, it is akin to brahmand level ‘native intelligence’ that some diseased dimwits flout to showcase special entitlements. They also ridicule that those who are ‘pasting posters claiming destruction of western ghats as the reason for disasters must be referred to psychiatrists’, such is the self-assuredness of their claim that is provided platform by legacy media, and in the same breath they pontificate that the “reason for such high fatalities is large number of uprooted trees crushing people!”. These are the people who want others to be referred to psychiatrists! The audacity despite lack of intellect or basic intelligence is characteristic feature of entitled, they also expertise in playact humility. You will find such nutcases around you all the time and to keep oneself immune to these in an overwhelmingly mediocrity thriving society is an onerous task made difficult when legacy media elevates them. They satiate their attention seeking desires at serious expense to society. And then to top it all instead of sincerely focusing on comprehensive understanding on Gadgil report including issue of demarcation of sensitive zones, forest fragmentation, converting to tea estates/resorts, constructing activities (infact apart from wanton construction there are unauthorized construction and illegal encroachments of fragile ecosystem, the region of impact didn’t have much of quarrying hence nutcases are being activated and platformed. Mining, rock quarrying and sand mining continues with policy makers diluting the law and even allowing illegal industry to thrive), conservation of endemic species, biodiversity conservation so on, so that people understand importance of Western Ghats and fragile ecosystem and why we have a collective responsibility, the media list these minor points (in the context of issue discussed thus an attempt to undermine, construct ridiculous in the template of school children homework) as recommended by Gadgil report (this while elaborating in detail on climate change and how we cannot be held responsible): don’t allow GM crops in Western ghats, stop use of plastic bags, don’t allow public property into private, stop new encroachment (emphasis here is earlier forest-converted-land can continue wantonly), river water pollution must be stopped, shift from chemical to organic fertilizers, people with more than two cattle must be helped to have biogas plants, promote solar energy, ban use of explosives to catch fish, don’t allow new mining license (implication is old can continue in sensitive zones)…so on. This is how they have diluted the report in the favour of those wantonly exploiting western ghats. It is DIY, easy to understand, without wasting your time template. Become a good citizen, and leave bigger matter to us. 

So what can we do except praying and upgrade fate, hence construct more churches, temples and mosques etc. Keep the herd distracted and isolated from reality with fun and frolic as news and entertainment, and when tragedy strikes bring out riveting stories of suffering with intrusive videos and pictures, and emphasis divine role of fate. Afterall what can we do when climate change is beyond us? We are trained to salivate at blessedness when crude amazingly mediocre attention seeking sundry buy latest fossil fuel guzzler luxury vehicle and is a news.                        


**When I was a kid one of the quiz related questions was about largest selling newspaper in India, it actually shocked everybody that this Malayalam newspaper from little state in south India topped the list. And then teacher would ask ‘anyone from Kerala in the class?”, and for a kid it was moment of pride, now increasingly clear misplaced, regrettable and sickening. It’s good that the readership and stranglehold of these sinister legacy media is dropping and mostly confined to elder generation. Like Kasturi&Sons they too can start investing in local kirana store rather than playing high moral saviors. Except herd seeking career politicians and attention seeking parasites nobody takes them seriously. Indeed, this degraded society has many media outlets oozing out of putrid pits as diversity pus that infects readers into self-assured literate incorrigible primitives.